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Big Thank You to Faeries

Posted: 11 August 21 8:54 am
by Just a cacher
I received my pathtag yesterday, and wanted to say thank you to the organisers of the Battleships game.

Then I thought again.

I thought about all the hours and hard work Caught@work puts in, over days and weeks and years, without much thanks - and for free. AFTER a full day's work at his other job, often. I thought about the abuse he must get on occasion, and the negative criticism I'm sure many of us have offered.

I believe he has some assistance these days ( I HOPE so!), but the ultimate responsibility rests with him, and it must be a heavy responsibility at times.

So, having thought these thoughts (not for the first time, but just happening to be at a time when I was about to put finger to keyboard), I want to say:

Thank you. I may not say it much, but I do appreciate the effort you put in, and HAVE put in, for years and years.

Here: Have a virtual hug (((((Hugs)))))

I would also like to say that I am willing to help out, if there's anything I can do.
