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Contacting a member?

Posted: 09 January 04 2:49 pm
by pprass

Could someone tell me how to get in touch with a member? I have a question to ask "Nutcache" (see below) but cannot find his email address. He is not registered in the members list (as far as I can see) and when I clicked on his profile from one of his cache notes to send a message, the email returned to me saying the address was not valid.

Thanks in advance


"Hi Nutcache,

Went looking for Elsie's cache and spent over an hour going around the area with no luck. The gps was pointing down amongst he scrub, but I thought the clues were pointing more around the wooden steps going down to the beach. Could you please give me some further info as to where it is.



Posted: 09 January 04 2:56 pm
by riblit
pprass asked:
....I have a question to ask "Nutcache".....
I would post a note on the cache page in the hope he eventually reads it. If his email address is invalid he won't receive the msg from to say a note has been posted on the cache page.

Posted: 09 January 04 5:10 pm
by pyrenees kid
You can send emails to members if you are registered with which you should be if your a Geocacher. Find The users Profile and you can contact them that way.
If that dont work you can send a message to Geofreak as he is a personal freind of Nutcache and more than likely he will know your answer.
Geofreak is a member of this forum too!

Cheers Darryn.

Posted: 09 January 04 6:18 pm
by riblit
Pk said:
You can send emails to members if you are registered with
It appears in this case that the email address at bounces..

Posted: 09 January 04 6:25 pm
by pprass
Thanks Riblit & pyrenees kid - I have sent an email to Geofreak and if that doesn't work I will post a message on the cache page.


Posted: 09 January 04 7:03 pm
by pyrenees kid
riblit wrote:It appears in this case that the email address at bounces..

Ahhh...... I didnt read the top message properly. Sorry