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How Many Cachers Live There?

Posted: 30 October 03 3:41 pm
by maccamob
I notice that there are now four caching teams listed on the Forum Memberlist who live at Hoppers Crossing in Melbourne, and I'm aware of another team not listed, making five in all. That seems a bit unusual. Any other suburbs/towns have a similar concentration?

Posted: 30 October 03 4:59 pm
by the odlids
Check out Dubbo, seems to be new cache and cacher every day!!!

Odlid Dave

Posted: 30 October 03 9:44 pm
by Team Geo-Nads
We were just slow startin out this way :D

Nuttin slow about Dubbo!

Posted: 31 October 03 4:54 pm
by Bronze
We have four radicals. Two that will hide anything and two that will go anywhere! Literally. Spheriod 700 is hidden 1km into thick scrub. Team '80' got within 30 meters of it and then got out of his truck!

Yeah - Dubbo = four teams and a few who would be more interested if they had more time. So there are about 7 all up. Of the four teams we enjoy BBQ's, online chats and finding last weekends hide!

The school that Mixima and I work at have just bought 6 GPSr's so that will bring about some more interest from staff hopefully.