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Posted: 15 June 13 12:42 am
by The Silver Snitch
I just want to say THANKYOU to GEOCACHERS everywhere.
Geocaching is my Sanity and always has been. It is my release valve.
We have this wonderful community of cachers, marvellous volunteers, - reviewers, people who set up Events big and small, amazing AND talented hiders, people who seek with enthusiasm and a community where you can go to an Event and know nobody, but have something in common with everyone and find friendship on every side. All I’m saying is……THANKYOU- and when you feel like a grizzle re caching- think-“How important is this?…Is the battle worth the energy and the upset it may cause?” We have something wonderful in caching- for me it is Sanity that money can’t buy—always there when I need it most, but able to be put on hold when life gets in the way. So thanks to all the reviewers, hiders, organisers and just people---who cache!
There is a big picture out there- sometimes it takes life to scare the **** out of you and make you realise what is important. Caching is PART of the big picture; but people who are cachers are just people. Let's remember that before we hit send/submit


Posted: 15 June 13 8:46 pm
by Damo.
Great sentiment. =D>


Posted: 16 June 13 12:57 am
by wombatatcrows
I concur. THANK YOU ALL for your contributions and efforts. It is really very much appreciated by a lot of very happy cachers.

=D> =D> =D> =D>