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potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 2:32 pm
by the Monkey King
I was walking to the post office this morning and was keeping an eye out for potential cache hiding places when I found what looked to be a perfect one in an oak tree.

I moved in closer to have a good look, deciding that a small or even a micro cache would be ideal when I noticed a honking great big brush tail possum in residence of my spot!

To make it worse, the possum saw me, stretched a bit and looked at me as if to say "yeah, so what? What are you going to do about it?"

Possum 1, the Monkey King 0

I was cursing I didn't have my camera with me. I usually do, but typically, when you need it, it isn't with you.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 2:49 pm
by TeamCassie
hehehe lucky you didn't just stick your hand in.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 2:59 pm
by the Monkey King
TeamCassie wrote:hehehe lucky you didn't just stick your hand in.
Having had a possum or two take a liking to my arm of the years, I was very careful to let it have the site and keep my arm to myself :lol:

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 6:22 pm
by TiedyeSmileys
On the way through Swan Hill last year we had one of these experiences, from our log:

Well, this cache was certainly a bit of an adventure for us. Arrived late afternoon and went on a cache hunting trip. Mr TiedyeSmileys reached up and groped around a bit but couldn't feel anything, so climbed up a bit and reached in further, again blindly groping around but still no luck. Went back to the car a got a torch to have a look at what is actually in there. Climbed up again and was precariously hanging and shone the torch in. The face looking back up was a bit of a shock and Mr TiedyeSmileys dropped back down. Climbed back up and had a better look at the hole and the resident there. I don't know about "Big Mouth", that mouth looked little but the teeth looked big and sharp. Must have just missed groping it earlier.
Came back a couple of hours later in the dark (this time backed the car up so we could stand on the boot), tentatively looked in but this time nobody was home, but the cache ol'poss was lying on was now in sight.

The possum had been lying on top of the cache. When we actually retrieved the cache later, there was evidence that it had used it as a toilet as well as a bed.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 6:28 pm
by the farmers 5
the Monkey King wrote:I

To make it worse, the possum saw me, stretched a bit and looked at me as if to say "yeah, so what? What are you going to do about it?"

Possum 1, the Monkey King 0

I was cursing I didn't have my camera with me. I usually do, but typically, when you need it, it isn't with you.
Yeah, those pesky possums are everywhere ,usually at night making a noise on house tops around Australia. :roll:

You might be able to even up the score with the possum. I didn't believe it until i saw and purchased the product myself. :D :D
So here is the photo of it taken today. :D

The worried look on the possum probaly says it all. :lol: :lol:

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 6:46 pm
by the Monkey King
@Tiedye Smileys - I wonder how many other people came across the same possum and decided to go for a DNF :)

@ the farmers 5 - :lol: It sounds even funnier if you say it with a Kiwi accent :lol: Does the stuff actually work? I manage a plant nursery and the little blighters get in and choose the best flowering plants to eat. I could do with some possum repellent.

A friend of mine was telling me his neighbour was trying to figure out how the possums were getting into his roof and when he found the answer he filmed it so he could show it to people as proof - the possums were actually lifting the roof tiles up and using it as a door.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 7:06 pm
by TeamCassie
my parents have two possums that come visiting on the back veranda, I will suggest some poss-off they are driving dad nuts.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 7:13 pm
by the farmers 5
[quote="the Monkey King"]@Tiedye Smileys - )

@ the farmers 5 - :lol: It sounds even funnier if you say it with a Kiwi accent :lol: Does the stuff actually work? I manage a plant nursery and the little blighters get in and choose the best flowering plants to eat. I could do with some possum repellent.

Directions on bottle... :D :D

1/ Shake well. Apply in the cool of the evening.
2/ Lightly spray on your plants,especially new growth.
3/ Re-apply when necessary ( as a guide about every 2 to 3 weeks ) or as new growth appears. [-o< [-o<

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 22 January 11 9:03 pm
by Ozibags
Possums have few enough tree hollows to use as homes (hence their propensity to use roof spaces). I suggest leave the hollow for the possum and find somewhere else for the cache - that's one less possum trying to get into someone's roof.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 6:28 am
by Fuddley
the Monkey King wrote:
It sounds even funnier if you say it with a Kiwi accent
In NZ we use little lead pills to get rid of possums.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 8:07 pm
by Richary
I came across a possum in the base of a fig tree in the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens the other week while looking for somewhere to leave a gnome.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 8:18 pm
by ruzzelz
Fuddley wrote:
the Monkey King wrote:
It sounds even funnier if you say it with a Kiwi accent
In NZ we use little lead pills to get rid of possums.
Acceptable behaviour in NZ as they as an exotic pest - but NOT acceptable in Australia their home base

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 9:34 pm
by Zalgariath
I brushed against one looking for "Exhibition" in Melbourne last year... also a fig tree. Scared the crap out of me :shock:

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 9:52 pm
by caughtatwork
You brushed against a fig tree and it scared you?
Man, you better watch out for those gum trees then.

Re: potential cache site occupied

Posted: 23 January 11 10:03 pm
by Zalgariath
caughtatwork wrote:You brushed against a fig tree and it scared you?
Man, you better watch out for those gum trees then.
Those Victorian Figs are scary man... :shock: just you keep your eye on them... or you'll wake up one morning with an aerial root in your bed :lol: