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Qld cachers and the Qld floods

Posted: 04 January 11 7:38 pm
by Bundyrumandcoke
I recieved an email from GUripper and DGT today regards our welfare in the devastating floods in Qld, specifically the floods in the Central Qld area.

Fortunately, Gladstone was almost unaffected by the flooding. Extensive flooding to our south, west and north, but nothing serious here. My only personal issue is my inability to get to work. I havent worked since Xmas eve, as the road out west is cut in numerous places, with up to 3 metres of water over the road in places. In addition, the railway is damaged severely out where I work, so even if I was at work, there would be no work to do, the system is presently shut down. Fortunately, I am still being paid. A few of my caches are disabled. Some are currently underwater.

There are cachers in Rockhampton, and Bundaberg, who I dont have any information on, but I believe Team Fuddley in Bundy is OK. Perhaps some of those cachers could post up how they are going.

I thank the caching friends around Australia who may have given us a thought and wondered how Jenny and I, and the girls were surviving. We are perfectly OK. There are hundreds of people who are far worse off than us.


Re: Qld cachers and the Qld floods

Posted: 04 January 11 9:46 pm
by Fuddley
As Bundy has already said we are fortunate not to have been flooded were we are in Bundaberg, I did a tour of some of our caches today and out of the 50 odd the we own only 5 have been effected. It was how ever quite disturbing to see the damage that has been done to other peoples lives. It is very pleasing to see everyone mucking in to help out were they can.

I would also like to say thanks to those how have showed concern as to our welfare, but like Bundy we are safe and well.

Cheers everyone and our thoughts are with those not as lucky as us

Re: Qld cachers and the Qld floods

Posted: 04 January 11 11:31 pm
by Richary
Best wishes to everyone up there affected, and I hope cachers homes are out of the water. Rockhampton looks particularly nasty and I was up there a few months ago, seeing the water level in the main street where I was on last night's news showed how bad things are there.

Hope you are all safe, and not too many caches disappearing towards the ocean.