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Caching Superpowers

Posted: 06 May 10 7:51 pm
by Powerplay
If you were able to have one super hero/villain ability to use for caching what would you choose and why? Lets see for example Super Mans X-ray vision makes finding the caches a whole lot easier unless the cache was in lead.The power of invisibility for those times when mugggles make searching next to impossible.There are a lot to choose from so have fun...up ...up..and ...away.

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 06 May 10 8:08 pm
by darth trader
I reckon that you could start your research on this page...

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 06 May 10 10:54 pm
by Richary
Well the ability to fly would certainly eliminate those terrain 5 ones from being a problem. (OK, starting with an obvious one). And I might actually be able to get to some of Derringer's :lol:

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 07 May 10 2:09 pm
by homedg
What about Spidermans sensing ability, but for caches
eg caching senses tingling

But i think already have that one LOL

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 07 May 10 7:12 pm
by PesceVerde
Go go Gadget 'copter would come in handy!

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 07 May 10 10:48 pm
by Papa Bear_Left
Wolverine's super-keen sense of smell would locate PVC from kilometres away, and probably tell you whether that Geocoin or FTF certificate was inside!

Terra's ability to make rocks fly would eliminate a whole lot of 'haystack' searching for that fake rock micro in the huge rockpile. The one rock that didn't move 20m straight up is the one you want!

The Flash (or Quicksilver, Northstar, or any of the other speedsters) would have a serious go at breaking the current crop of "caches in a day" records. (Probably all of them, at once, in a matter of minutes...)

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 08 May 10 2:22 pm
by homedg
Invisibility would be nice so I could avoid the "What's this middle aged deviate doing hanging around the play equipment [-X " stares when looking for micros in the park. :oops:

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 08 May 10 6:43 pm
by homedg

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 08 May 10 6:54 pm
by Papa Bear_Left
Annoyed by the proliferation of micros around? Just use your Atom shrinking powers and suddenly that Eclipse tin is a Large cache!

Some sadistic beggar's hidden the cache in amongst the blackberry thorns? Iron Man, Colossus or Cyborg wouldn't even scratch their paintwork.

Diff: 5 puzzles cluttering up your "Nearest Unfound" list? To Batman, the World's Greatest Detective, or Brainiac 5, they'll all just Trads plus 5 seconds of thought...

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 08 May 10 11:20 pm
by Bewilderbeest
As long as you look the part, that's all that matters...

Re: Caching Superpowers

Posted: 09 May 10 10:31 pm
by Bronze
I would like to be able to crush film canisters with a single stomp.

Hang on... :-k