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Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:12 pm
by Adrian Mc
My April roadtrips with Team Swampy from Tasmania has been one of my most positive caching experiences.
But otherewise just getting out and about enjoying the outdoors.

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:12 pm
by peteandsara
Exercise for the whole family. Watching the kids run ahead to try and find the cache before mum and dad and then getting down the serious business of swaps...

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:12 pm
by Tankengine
Still no go.... - "Cache Events"

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:12 pm
by pjamesk
Positive caching experience is going to places I would not normaly go to unless I was caching

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:13 pm
by Code1
Seeing the looks on the kids faces when they found their first cache all by them selves.

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:13 pm
by winterdragon
I always enjoy meeting other cachers "in the wild" :-)

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:13 pm
by Coffee and Cache
Our positive caching experience is all about finding new places we haven't been before.

This is especially true if it close to home, but previously totally unknown to us. This has happened numerous times in little urban forests, odd culdesacs by the yarra and reserves where if you, (well, we anyway) were instantaneously transported to, sans GPS, you would never know where you were. :D :D :D

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:14 pm
by zactyl
Reading positive logs!

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:14 pm
by vicksta
Having muggles look at you funny when you try to explain what geocaching is, then seeing them get caught up in the madness too!

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:15 pm
by ruzzelz
I get high on those little hill climbs to places I had never been before caching.

ruzzelz :D

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:15 pm
by Toy Car
My Most positive experience from caching is meeting other caches and visiting places I would not have attended other wise. A few months after I started caching I went over to Europe and cached over there. Lots of interesting sites and the write-up gave me some of the history of the area.
Thanks to Caching for getting me out doors.

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:15 pm
by Tealby
Oh dear - I almost missed the event - only 2 mins to go by my computer clock. I'm not sure if this is so positive, but I do enjoy (I think) that adrenaline rush when heading off to find a new cache - I have a touch of that now - having almost missed the event. 1 min to close now!

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:16 pm
by Mountain_Wanderer
My positive caching experience has been the health benefits due to the physical activity associated with geocaching.
Greetings from the USA.

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:16 pm
by CraigRat
All the friends I've made, all the places I've been.

all the scenery and places have been life changing.

Great Idea for a cache, and it's been interesting to see people swarm on to the server. Looks like it held up just fine....I knew it would....:lol:)

(The server ate my 1st post!)

Re: 2009 Cyber Flash Mob Topic “Positive Caching Experience”

Posted: 10 August 09 9:16 pm
by WaldenClan
Our most positive experience is going out to remote places with my family and enjoying the out of the way places that are in our backyard. This has been a fantastic bonding experience for all of us, while getting out of the house into the outdoors.