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Re: Interview-

Posted: 16 April 04 2:28 pm
by daz1950
There seems to be a shortage of razor blades out there in Red Ochre Country. :lol:

Posted: 17 April 04 8:26 am
by Bronze
Keeps the sun burn off and catches all the shite we talk! The new guy is gonna feel out of place being clean shaven and all.

The Bronze.

Posted: 21 April 04 1:11 am
by alex
I started geocaching over three years ago as a direct result of reading an article about it in The Australian. Despite the article being in a 'quality' national daily paper there were not many others who rushed to sign up. At that stage there were less than 25 caches in Oz and about the same number of cachers and the growth rate was still slow. There has been quite a bit of publicity in many mainstream and specialist media - even ABC Radio National ran an hour-long program starring Team Chaos, and still we weren't swamped by eager newbies. Even the Dubbo Daily Liberal ran a feature!!!

Quite a few people I talk to in our mapshop have already heard of geocaching and many like the idea, but still very few will actually try it. Some, I suspect, think it's a bit nerdy, some find it too expensive, most just 'never get around to it'.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that there is no need to worry about a newspaper article causing a stampede of ignorant newbies racing to join our game - like previous publicity it will only influence a few to sign-on and I welcome a steady trickle of new players.

Posted: 21 April 04 8:40 am
by Bronze
Oh - I better correct that. It was the 'Dubbo City News' actually. They ran a great piece and since the Liberal won't run anything I wouldn't want to give them the Brownie points:

Secondly - I never had considered Geocaching as nerdy. In fact I had been caching for probably a year until I met another couple of caches and they never struck me as nerdy. The only people who I have call it a nerds past-time have been the wives of cachers. My wife wasn't game to call my hobby a nerds games until she heard another wife say it. Two years into it and I suddenly find out I'm a nerd. I'm don't see myself as a defined nerd where I need Vit 'D' supplements cause I don't get out enough!

The Bronze.
Check it out :arrow:

Posted: 21 April 04 11:48 am
by C.A.S.
Bronze wrote:Oh - I better correct that. It was the 'Dubbo City News' actually. They ran a great piece and since the Liberal won't run anything I wouldn't want to give them the Brownie points:
<p> Hey Bronze, did you have a trim that day for the article?

Re: Interview-

Posted: 21 April 04 3:36 pm
by Papa Bear_Left
daz1950 wrote:There seems to be a shortage of razor blades out there in Red Ochre Country. :lol:
Is that anywhere near Ironbark?

Posted: 21 April 04 6:43 pm
by Bronze
Nowhere near Iornbark but we are 'Beyond the Black stump' - Does that help?

Don't even think about it Mix :) .

Posted: 21 April 04 11:59 pm
by alex
Bronze said
It was the 'Dubbo City News' actually
Apologies for that, I didn't realise Dubbo now had two papers.

I also didn't realise, when I was replying late last night, that there was a page 2 and page 3 to the thread. Sorry if my comments were a bit out of context.

Posted: 22 April 04 12:31 am
by The Spindoctors
Here is the article that mtbikeroz referred, which appeared in the Canberra Chronicle ... nberra.jpg

ARticles should be in various papers today 26th April

Posted: 26 April 04 7:19 am
by smegheads
Saw the article in todays The Courier (Ballarat) most likely its going to be in other papers seems to have come from AAP wire service Id reckon. (Havent checked Geelong Advertiser yet, as we print both here at work) but keep your eyes out and get todays papers and you'll probabally find it, depending on the papers sub-editors of course.

Atricle mentions Geomonkeys, Team Piggy, Dingbats, Snifter and Swapgecko.

Well guys you are all famous now and are the elite of caching.. according to the papers anyway :)

You know we could turn this into a virtual cache... :P

Well I found one in the courier 26 April Page 9.

Please post others here as well..

Posted: 26 April 04 8:12 am
by swampgecko
Got a link for the paper?

Posted: 26 April 04 8:31 am
by Bronze
I'm doing a bit of a search now. [Edit] Do you have a title I can go on. There are 7 pages of google "Geocaching article"!


Posted: 26 April 04 8:40 am
by Team Geo-Nads
Actually Bronze we would be less than 100km from Ironbark. That was Stuart Town's original name

Posted: 26 April 04 11:05 am
by smegheads
Im on early shift this week, when I get home I will post the PDF file of the page for you all to have a look at.

Should be around 3.00 pm or so.

Keep your eyes open for it.

Posted: 26 April 04 11:10 am
by riblit
smegheads wrote:Im on early shift this week, when I get home I will post the PDF file of the page for you all to have a look at.

Should be around 3.00 pm or so.

Keep your eyes open for it.
Sounds good...