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New web site

Posted: 28 January 05 9:47 am
This looks like an interesting GPS website ... when you register the usernames don't allow spaces so TEAM LANDCRUISER became TLC. Here's the blurb ...
Hello Everyone!! <p>

I am the administrator of a new site called GPS Gab. I started this
site because I enjoy GPS Technology and am fascinated with it's
funtionality. I have live news feeds from the technology sector and
update the site with GPS news almost daily. I also am buiilding an
extensive list of links and quite possibly may have GPS update
software on the site at some point. We have a nice big forum with a
lot of nice new topics to post in also!<p>

So, stop by and say hello and if you have any comments, gripes, or
problems, email me at<p>

Please Visit