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Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 12:02 am
by PacketStorm4
After finding many caches from my very primitive ways of triangulating myself off trees from a google map. To sending one cache at a time to my GPS, and now running pocket queries, I'm looking at a more simplified way to deal with discovering geocaches.

Our current setup: Garmin 60Cx + iPaq rx1950
Run GPX query for the area we are going making sure that we do not exceed 500 caches, if this is the case we will make multiple GPX files and load them manually into the GPS when we are out in the field (obviously taking a laptop with us and wiping caches if need be)
Use GPXview on a HP PDA to read the same .gpx files and give us more information than what is contained in the GPS. Logs, hints, etc..

After we find the cache we mark it as found in the GPS and have a notepad in the car with the GC code and maybe half a sentence describing the cache so that we can remember it as we log it!
This isn't the best as i usually forget things that i wanted to mention in the cache logs.

What I've been thinking……
I could be going a little off track here and it might already have been done…
Having a laptop in the car that keeps a CACHED map of some sort, be it google maps, city nav, shonky maps? And as your driving plot you position with a dedicated GPS, ie. not the one you are finding geocaches with. This map has the position and icons of the caches in the area.
This would allow you to see upcoming caches and explore the area right from the screen.
The benefit of this that i can see would be instead of trying to find the GC code or the name of the cache you are looking for / found, you can see it right on your screen in front of you as your position will be right next to it!

Then using software like *GSAK have the caches listed where i can simply click on them and press 'Log Geocache' and write my log, maybe even with some of the macros or other funky things it can do. This would then be stored LOCALLY on the laptop. Upon arriving back home / somewhere with an internet connection we can simply press an 'Upload' button where the days logs would be uploaded to each cache page individually. I understand that this would now be time consuming if the link isn't great, and might be possibly abused in a mass cache relog where a cache may be logged twice, say from the day before, but I'm sure this is something that would be able to be checked before uploading.

Have i just repeated what some program already does?
Or do i need to get in touch with one of my programming friends?

Ive found my 1k finds using this method.
(Still logging them)

*NOTE: i have no idea how GSAK works, I've played with it numerous times and seen some macros but have never understood fully how it could help me.

Could others please share how they achieve their on road logging, would be interesting to hear from the big players here about how they keep track of them all.


Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 7:00 am
by CraigRat
If you are willing to download them instead of emailing them to you, then the limit on caches in a PQ is now 1000

In all honesty, instead of a laptop and GSAK for logging, consider perhaps trading in the ipaq for a smartphone

Android phones have some apps like the Groundspeak one (or even better at a quarter of the price - NeonGeo) that let you log online ASAP, or store the log for later upload. Same goes for the iPhone if you want to go down the Apple path

Beats having a laptop and accessories in the car, plus there's HEAPS of mapping apps to allow for offline use like Locus or OruxMaps.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 9:17 am
by Earthbound Chief
Great ideas CraigRat.
Here's some others :iPad with Geosphere app and Navigon app can drive you right up to the cache (Navigon app gives you voice direction). Geosphere downloads your pqs and logs your finds using 3G or wireless.
A netbook with usb gps, ozieplorer with a choice of maps and GSAK. Keeping GSAK as my main data storage, you can send the waypoints to oziexplorer and as your driving the netbook will show live view with what caches are in the area.
Having the netbook is also handy if you have problems with gpsr (you can reload if needed). I also use either a gpsr / iPhone / asus a50 to find the cache.

If I'm in metro area I use iPad, if we're doing a rural drive, or a big day in the city I use both.
My navigator loves to log caches straight away on the iPad or iPhone.

I also understand that many are using Android tablets and love it

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 10:00 am
by Hoojar
I recently started logging from the field (when 3G is available) from my HTC using c:geo. It is brilliant! I wouldn't use it to find the cache though, the accuracy just doesn't seem to compare with the Oregon.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 12:40 pm
by Mr Router
Ho about a 10inch eeepad with gdak and oziexplorer ? And a handheld GPS for the hunt.
I have posted a photo in another thead on this forum, we have done rwo missions so far and will not go back to the laptop and many addons.
Gdak is free and oz I is 25 bucks, bargain

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 12:43 pm
by ian-and-penny
How do I use GSAK? In combination with an Oregon, a Laptop running OziExplorer & GSAK with a complete database of waypoints in the state/area.

Pre Trip:
I figure the area that I want to go to & use a combination of filters in GSAK to determine all the caches in the area - which I then download to the Oregon (as a GPX) and to OziExplorer (as waypoints).

Depending on the trip, there is a GSAK macro (CacheRoute) that will determine an optimised route around the caches in the area. Sometimes we do a "next closest" run, which could take us in any direction, or if it's a point to point trip the route and cache order is pretty much predetermined.

On the Trip:
  • The GPS is connected to the laptop running Ozi in Moving map mode to provide the big picture and navigation information if the minor/4WD tracks aren't in the GPS. (There's no need for a 2nd GPS, as most provide a suitable output to drive the mapping.)
  • Using the turn by turn navigation feature the GPS guides us to the vicinity of each cache in turn.
  • When close, it is disconnected from the laptop & used in Geocache (off road) mode to find the cache.
  • Using the field note capability of the GPS I log and write some brief notes. (There are some GSAK macros that you could use here if required LogACache or LogTemplate)
  • Etc, etc (repeat as required).
  • GSAK can be pulled up at any time to read the cache notes, hints, multi instructions etc. (It's much easier than trying to read everything off the small GPS screen.)
Post Trip/On the Road/Each Night:
I download the field notes into GSAK from the Oregon and use the "Publish Logs" feature now available in V8.
Even though I have the capability, I prefer NOT to log caches in the field (as they are found), mainly for the following reasons:
  • (Even though I use a template) I like to think about each cache and write something appropriate and individualised for each cache.
  • I can take my time, without having to rush off to the next cache.
  • I can write appreciative logs that are as verbose as I like without having to resort to TFTC, TNLN, SL
  • A full size keyboard is much easier to use than a crappy phone one.
I hope this rambling post helps.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 1:17 pm
by Big Matt and Shell
I use an Oregon 300 and a 10 inch EEE pc for all my caching. We have tried a few aps on Shells iphone such as the GC ap and Geosphere but found the Oregon to be much easier to manage with the PC.

I'll try and make this as easy to follow as I can.
  • I use 1000 cache PQ's and pull them in daily to GSAK using V8's new get PQ function.
  • I set up my PQ's in line with and I set a reminder to check them every month or so.
  • I keep all my caches in a single DB (I find it simplier to manage that way)
  • I use a very simple macro to find me the local findable (not archived, unavailable or unsolved puzzle) caches in my DB that I upload to the GPS. (I can post it here tonight)
  • I find my caches using the Oregon.
  • I then use the Publish logs function of GSAK V8. This allows me to pull in the Field Notes file from the GPS, go through each cache and compose my log offline. When I'm done logging I connect to the net and hit submit. All of my logs are then sent to the server.
This is probably not as "on the road" as what you were thinking but it allows me time to sit and think about the cache, before I log it. This saves upsetting people with TFTC or similar logs debated ad nauseam in other posts on away trips this is done nightly if I can or in the car on the way home while someone else drives.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 1:40 pm
by ian-and-penny
Big Matt and Shell wrote:[*]I use a very simple macro to find me the local findable (not archived, unavailable or unsolved puzzle) caches in my DB that I upload to the GPS. (I can post it here tonight)

Code: Select all

MACROFLAG Type=Clear Range=All
$_sql="UPDATE Caches SET Macroflag=1 WHERE Found=0 AND Status='A' AND IsOwner=0 AND Not(CacheType='U' and HasCorrected=0) AND $_WHERE"
Or simply input "Found=0 AND Status='A' AND IsOwner=0 AND Not(CacheType='U' and HasCorrected=0)" (without the quotes) into the where box of the filter dialog.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 01 November 11 2:33 pm
by Big Matt and Shell
I use this that I butchered from a Kai Team macro.

Code: Select all

MFILTER Expression=NOT($d_Found OR $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled OR IsOwner()) AND $d_Distance<160 AND $d_CacheType<>"U"
MFILTER Expression=$d_CacheType="U" AND $d_HasCorrected AND NOT($d_Found OR IsOwner OR $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled) AND $d_Distance<160 JOIN=OR
You can change the $d_Distance value to suit the number of caches you want it to return. For me 160km covers down to Wollongong and returns less than the 2000 cache limit for my GPS.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 02 November 11 4:01 pm
by Happy Chappies
Big Matt and Shell wrote:I use an Oregon 300 and a 10 inch EEE pc for all my caching. We have tried a few aps on Shells iphone such as the GC ap and Geosphere but found the Oregon to be much easier to manage with the PC.

I'll try and make this as easy to follow as I can.
  • I use 1000 cache PQ's and pull them in daily to GSAK using V8's new get PQ function.
  • I set up my PQ's in line with and I set a reminder to check them every month or so.
  • I keep all my caches in a single DB (I find it simplier to manage that way)
  • I use a very simple macro to find me the local findable (not archived, unavailable or unsolved puzzle) caches in my DB that I upload to the GPS. (I can post it here tonight)
  • I find my caches using the Oregon.
  • I then use the Publish logs function of GSAK V8. This allows me to pull in the Field Notes file from the GPS, go through each cache and compose my log offline. When I'm done logging I connect to the net and hit submit. All of my logs are then sent to the server.
This is probably not as "on the road" as what you were thinking but it allows me time to sit and think about the cache, before I log it. This saves upsetting people with TFTC or similar logs debated ad nauseam in other posts on away trips this is done nightly if I can or in the car on the way home while someone else drives.

That's very similar to the approach we take when we're doing 'serious' caching....

One Garmin GPS60, one eeePC running GSAK and nRoute (loaded with shonky and osm maps), and one antique iPod.

GPS60 plugs into the eeePC to operate as a fully functional turn by turn sat nav system from cache to cache (although you have to watch out for those pesky bike trails that it thinks the Defender can take (well, it CAN, but not legally!)) and shows all of the caches on the maps as you drive along without having to search for them, etc. Once near GZ, unplug the Garmin, grab the iPod which has all notes and hints and off I go. Once found and back at the car I simply type a few notes into a notepad document on the eeePC (Yes, I could enter it straight into GSAK field notes but never bothered to look into all of that). If we're doing a long trip which takes us over big areas (beyond the 500 caches we can put into the Garmin) we'll use GSAK to create new filters and upload as we go.

It's pretty steam-driven, but it's worked really well for us to date - and has made use of the tech we have and as much free software as possible. Like others we prefer to wait until the evening to log as I like to think through the log, add photos, read previous logs to see if I want to refer to anything, etc....

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 02 November 11 5:19 pm
by Dik:
Of late I have really been loving logging caches from the cache site using c:geo on an android phone.
I still use the 60CSx for finding most caches.

Some people say phone apps lead to poor logs.
But to me, just sitting there, taking in the location, and why I am here, leads to better logs.
Breathe the air, listen to the sounds, take in the vista.
No need for memory, just the spontaneity of the moment.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 02 November 11 7:05 pm
by gmj3191
GSAK and Filter showing Unfound and Available within 100km into my Oregon for around Melbourne.
GSAK and Filter showing Unfound/Available within a polygon into my Oregon for a Trip.

More often than not I now log from the field using HTC Desire and c:geo with Swype.

At a pinch, the Desire's GPS is pretty much right there where with the Oregon for impromptu caching if I don't have the Oregon.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 03 November 11 1:35 pm
by Earthbound Chief
for impromptu caching if I don't have the Oregon
:?: :?: You go out without your Oregon? [-X

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 03 November 11 6:32 pm
by gmj3191
Earthbound Chief wrote:
for impromptu caching if I don't have the Oregon
:?: :?: You go out without your Oregon? [-X
Well I guess this'll never wind up in the You Know You're a Cacher When .... thread.

Re: Logging caches on the road / How do YOU use GSAK?

Posted: 07 November 11 2:45 pm
by PacketStorm4
Thanks for all the replies people,
I will look into the software packages that you have all mentioned.
Regarding the Smartphone, I / We do have a smart phone but i feel that it is much harder to keep track and log on these little devices.
Not to mention that coverage is usually an issue (yes even with Telstra) and the logs would be brief and short.
It would also be great to have Oziexplorer running at the same time too for the 4wd maps!

The on the road section is mainly for notes and not necessarily to publish logs, but to have this functionality is awesome.
I cannot agree more with writing a good log, however they would be reviewed once we arrive home to add pictures or other things.

Ill need to get my hands on an ultra portable computer and let you know the results, the IBM T41 that we currently use is just too big!
