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transfer of archives from the ezboard forum [closed]

Posted: 05 April 03 10:48 am
by leek

I managed to transfer one of the threads in its original form by coping the HTML across from ezboard to this forum and it seems to work fine apart from the fact that there is a page of blank lines at the top of the thread now...

Can you figure out why this is happening? or suggest a better way to copy the stuff across so that it is easy to read...


Posted: 05 April 03 11:08 am
by leek
Sorry forgot to mention that it was the thread I was talking about...

<tr> tag seems to be causing it..

Posted: 06 April 03 9:01 pm
by leek
It seems to be the (tr) HTML tag which is causing blank lines to be added at the beginning of the message... Is there any way of fixing this i! ???

Posted: 07 April 03 10:24 am
by The Ginger Loon
G'day Leek,

One way you can check the layout of this is to turn on the borders in any HTML tables.

E.g. in the following line;

<table class="forumline" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0">

change border="0"> to border="1">

That particular table should then display with a thin border, which will then help you to determine which rows or data cells are causing the problems. And remember to turn borders off when you are finished.

Also remember that and <table><tr> or <td> tags must be closed with their respective </table></tr> & </td> tags and that nesting rules apply.

Sorry I can't suggest an automatic way to check the code but I hope this helps anyway... :)


Posted: 07 April 03 3:22 pm
by Stargiver
Hi Loon...
The problem I am getting is a lot of blank lines before the table starts... The amount of blank space seems to correspond to the number of rows in the table... I have modified one of the messages with your suggested amendment, so you can see what I'm talking about... See

Posted: 07 April 03 4:10 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
The problem is that between every line including < TD > to < /TD > you have many
< br />
if you remove each one, the table will appear at the top

because they are outside each table tag, they are printed first and then the table is printed at the end.

Posted: 07 April 03 4:37 pm
by Stargiver
Thanks for the suggestion Jason, but in the original message, all the <br> tags are within the <td></td> tags... I have tested the messaging with a simple 2x2 table with no <br> tags and the same thing happens...

Posted: 07 April 03 4:47 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
This is what happens if I remove all the < br /> tags from your post on the other page:

Posted: 07 April 03 4:49 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
<BR />
<BR />
<BR />
This has lots of br crap in it
<BR />
<BR />
<BR />

Posted: 07 April 03 4:49 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
code for above post:

<BR />
<BR />
<BR />
This has lots of br crap in it
<BR />
<BR />
<BR />

Posted: 07 April 03 4:51 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
example code taken from your posted page:

<br />
<br />
<tr >
<br />
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... ralia">The
<br />

see how there is a <br /> BETWEEN the </TD> and </TR> tags, etc?

Posted: 07 April 03 8:24 pm
by Stargiver
Hmmm... Not sure what's going on then, coz here is the original code that I posted for the message: (I've edited some of it out) - no <br/>s to be seen...:

<table class="forumline" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="1">

<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... </span><br>
<span class="usertitle">Registered User</span><br>
Posts: 10<br>
(1/14/03 8:30:50 am)<br>
<a href=" ... ly</a></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Requests
for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
I am starting work on a new version of CacheMonkey.<br>
Im interested in ANY ideas anyone might have for new features, or any bugs
they may have found, or just an idea to change the way something works to
make it easier to use.<br>
Im also looking for someone with a Magellan GPS willing to help with
testing of the Magellan upload which hopefully will be in this next
Here is the list of things im currently working on, and when they are done
Ill release it.<br>

New Features<br>
- Proper installer (for windows), with file association, and icon and
shortcut without dos box<br>
- add customisable distance for caches within X miles from home<br>
- add cache name prefix/suffix, or symbol coding for cache types (thanks
MindSocket for this suggestion)<br>
- mass selection/deselection of items to export<br>
- magellan support<br>
- only download newest caches<br>
- only upload waypoints newer than &date&, or only in the last X

- handle members only caches correctly<br>
- upload homepoint to easygps<br>
- check over nmea support to ensure its correct<br>
- export all fields in the csv file<br>

Thanks for any input you may have.<br>
GeoMonkey Brad.
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... a">leek</a>&
<img height="10" src="" width="10" border="0"></span><br>
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 72<br>
(1/14/03 10:12:53 am)<br>
<a href=" ... ">Reply</a>
| <a href=" ... dit</a><br>
<img height="60" src="" width="60"></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
Hi Brad,<br>
I have a Magellan Meridian and can help you test the upload if you want...
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... ralia">The
Ginger Loon</a></span><br>
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 75<br>
(1/14/03 1:03:41 pm)<br>
<a href=" ... ly</a></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
Good to hear CacheMonkey is getting an upgrade!<br>
Here's a couple of things I'd like to see.<br>
Alphabetical &/or Numerical Sorting of fields (this would help esp
when exporting to a comma delimited file for use in a db application - ie
tracking achived caches)<br>
Option to toggle between the original Garmin icons (as used by older
units) and the newer ones used by later units.<br>
Ability to do a query of multiple states (state id=53, 54 etc)and dump to
one file with state headers between the states,<br>
(nce again for comma delimited files)<br>
instead of by country (countryid=3). Either that or simultaneous query
Thanks for keeping CacheMonkey going.<br>
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... a">Biggles
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 68<br>
(1/14/03 8:51:23 pm)<br>
<a href=" ... ly</a></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
How about an invert selection button.
<p>&No matter where you go..... there you are.&<br>
Buckaroo Banzai</p>
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... cket">Mind
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 43<br>
(1/15/03 8:13:17 pm)<br>
<a href=" ... ply</a><br>
<img height="60" src="" width="60"></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
I think you've got most of my suggestions in the pipeline already, I have
these suggestions in addition to the ones you've listed.<br>
bug - stripping &the& didn't seem to work.<br>
bug - strip spelt as &stip& in options<br>
Option to strip &a& and other dull words from the start or
(optionally) the middle of the cache name (egs: &in&
&a& &and& &cache& &on&
&No:&). This could be applied repeatedly to the name until it
stops changing to make sure all possible matches are removed.<br>
Travel bug indicator<br>
Option to specify an autoload/autosave cmo file for startup and exit
(perhaps with prompting on the save for safety)<br>
Context menu - Export single to ...<br>
Context menu - Upload single to GPS<br>
Context menu - Copy single coords to clipboard<br>
Extra column - weighted overall difficulty. I'm trying to come up with a
reasonable formula based on distance, difficulty and terrain.<br>
Download watch list, indicate in cache list<br>
While I'm here, these are a couple of custom URLs that I find handy ...<br>
Toggle on watch list:<br>
<a href=" ... <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END-->
Printable version, all logs, decrypted hints:<br>
<a href=" ... <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END-->
Looking forward to having all fields in export. My (work in progress) web
page building code (which uses the CSV files from cachemonkey) doesn't
quite do distances properly.<br>
Thanks again GeoMonkeys, keep up the good work!<br>
- Rog<br>
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... Dooghan</a>&
<img height="10" src="" width="10" border="0"></span><br>
<span class="usertitle">Moderator<br>
Posts: 27<br>
(1/16/03 9:06:04 am)<br>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
bug: Something that does not work for me is to print out the list of
caches. It only prints 3/4 of the list<br>
thanks and keep up the good work<br>
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... a">leek</a>&
<img height="10" src="" width="10" border="0"></span><br>
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 81<br>
(1/20/03 11:04:47 am)<br>
<a href=" ... ">Reply</a>
| <a href=" ... dit</a><br>
<img height="60" src="" width="60"></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
Hi Brad,<br>
Not sure if you have this already, but you can find a detailed definition
of the Magellan / PC communication protocol at <!--EZCODE LINK START-->
<a href=" ..." target="top">this
link</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->
<tr >
<td vAlign="top" noWrap align="left" width="20%" ><span class="title"><a href=" ... cket">Mind
<span class="usertitle">GeoCacher<br>
<img src="" width="12" height="12"></span><br>
Posts: 53<br>
(1/31/03 11:05:22 am)<br>
<a href=" ... ply</a><br>
<img height="60" src="" width="60"></td>
<td class="m" vAlign="top" align="left" ><span class="title">Re:
Requests for input for the next version of CacheMonkey</span>
<hr SIZE="1">
I've run out of custom URL spaces, can I have some more? <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) -->
<img alt=";)" src=" ... s/wink.gif" width="15" height="15"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END-->
- Rog

Posted: 07 April 03 8:28 pm
by Stargiver
Also, even a simple table like this causes the same result:
<table border=1>
<tr><td>test 1</td><td>test 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>test 3</td><td>test 4</td></tr>
<tr><td>test 5</td><td>test 6</td></tr>

Posted: 07 April 03 8:28 pm
by Stargiver
Code for above message:
<table border=1>
<tr><td>test 1</td><td>test 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>test 3</td><td>test 4</td></tr>
<tr><td>test 5</td><td>test 6</td></tr>

Posted: 07 April 03 9:29 pm
by Two Goth Geeks
The board must insert them.
Here's the above little table after View Source:

<br />
<table border=1>
<br />
<tr><td>test 1</td><td>test 2</td></tr>
<br />
<tr><td>test 3</td><td>test 4</td></tr>
<br />
<tr><td>test 5</td><td>test 6</td></tr>
<br />