Page 1 of 1 user number, Where is it? [closed]

Posted: 08 January 05 9:11 am
by High Rollers
Hi there. Please help!

I have tried to follow the instructions below to find my user number: user number:
Find your user number by going to one of your caches and clicking "[profile]" under the cache name. Then click "Click to Email." Your browser address bar should have something like "" in it. The number (in this case 1406) is your user number.

However when I hit "Send message" (I can't see a click to email button), it says can't send to yourself. I have checked the properties of this link and it does not contain a "default.aspx?aid-..." reference. It contains this: ... 97fc1072ec

Where is my user number? :?: :?:

High Rollers

Posted: 08 January 05 9:24 am
by Team Piggy ... 97fc1072ec

Thats the user number off your profile at

Mind you thats still encrypted, , Maybe I need more sleep ?

Try this one: 301752

Posted: 08 January 05 12:32 pm
by Lt. Sniper
I noticed this isnt working either,

I got my friends number by making him goto the forums, for a breif moment the number appears before your redirected to the forums.

Posted: 09 January 05 7:31 pm
by High Rollers
Thanks for the help Team Piggy and Lt Sniper

Posted: 09 January 05 7:41 pm
by ideology
they changed the stuff on the secondary site when they moved to the .NET framework with all those horrible GUIDs

anyway, you don't need it any more - we do the link by the caching name now. we've set up your caching name for you, so you should be able to recommend caches, etc.

Posted: 09 January 05 8:09 pm
by Lt. Sniper
oh all of that, and I made a pic too!


You should just be able to hover your cursor over link with your name and in the bottom of the browser it should mention your user number, in this case my number is 111450

Posted: 01 February 05 9:22 am
by belken
We were having the same problem finding the GC number but found with the help above. But now we still don't seem to have a GCA Profile ? We tried to log a find on a GCA only cache but an error comes up to say that we don't have a caching name. We've following the FAQ but the message regarding change of caching name comes back with a screen to say that this "topic" does not exist ?? Help! Our GC name and our GCA name is the same.
Any suggestions?