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cache editing - beta testing [closed]

Posted: 10 November 04 12:00 pm
by ideology
* daring users only! *

we've got cache editing going and are seeking some beta testing help

the purpose of editing a cache is to correct details which we don't have from the secondary site, for example: location and details about archived caches

to edit a cache
  • go to your "my" page and you should see a list of your caches. if you don't, chances are we'll need to set up your cacher name
  • select the edit link next to a cache and you should see a screen which allows you to edit and save your cache
  • this is experimental! we strongly suggest you only edit one cache just in case there are problems.
  • it's best to edit a cache that is still live on the secondary site, that way, if something goes horribly wrong, it will correct itself in the feed the next day
  • the best field to edit is the location field, which is not on the secondary site. if you edit another field, chances are it will get saved but then overwritten by the feed from the secondary site the next day
fingers crossed!
please let us know how it goes!

Posted: 10 November 04 12:22 pm
by Horus
I've just gone ahead and edited two of my caches - ok, so I've never been good at following directions :D
Both had incorrect Locations as mentioned previously in another post, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to correct the error. Both seem to have been edited ok and I can still see the caches on "my" page. For some reason the first one I changed "It's All Downhill from Here", had it's name truncated to just "It's". I didn't touch any other fields apart from the Location field, so I don't know where this came from. I went in and changed it from "It's" back to "It's All Downhill from Here" and all seems well with the world again!

Posted: 10 November 04 12:30 pm
by Gunn Parker
I have gone this page
and I don't see and edit button, I have gone into the the first cache and no edit there either, am I doing something wrong?

Posted: 10 November 04 12:37 pm
by Cached

Posted: 10 November 04 1:16 pm
by Gunn Parker
Ah ha

Posted: 10 November 04 2:24 pm
by caughtatwork
Edited Watery Hideaway from Spotswood to Newport and all worked well.
Didn't touch anything else.

Posted: 10 November 04 2:30 pm
by Mind Socket
Worked for me,

Tee hee :)

I noticed in the main description, all the apostrophes were looking yuck in the text entry. Data or display issue, I don't know.

Posted: 10 November 04 2:58 pm
by ideology
Horus wrote:For some reason the first one I changed "It's All Downhill from Here", had it's name truncated to just "It's"
oops, sorry, we stuffed up the html for that input field. we've fixed the bug and it should display correctly now.
Mind Socket wrote:Worked for me, Tee hee
there's always one joker...
I noticed in the main description, all the apostrophes were looking yuck in the text entry. Data or display issue, I don't know
it's in the data. there's lots of cases of non-alpha characters such as apostrophes, degree symbols, dashes are in weird and wonderful character set encodings. we're not sure how they get in there - we assume it's either entering the data on macintoshes, non-us keyboards, copying and pasting from a word processor, or a combination of all three. whatever the case, it doesn't really matter. we store the data how we get it and then reformat it on the fly. we have about 20 characters we translate, ranging from quotes and elipses through to that funny f in Geof and half of Charlie Delta's name.

Posted: 10 November 04 3:10 pm
by Cached
I changed a couple of locations and they were good.

Posted: 10 November 04 5:58 pm
by Lt. Sniper
If you edit a cache there is no option for:

"Letterbox (Hybrid)"
"Mystery/Puzzle Cache"
"Cache In Trash Out Event"

Posted: 11 November 04 1:28 am
<font color="blue"><font face="verdana"><b>The Mystery/Puzzle cache has always been listed as 'unknown' on the secondary site. I have no idea why??
<p>Cheers Mike and Thérèse</font></b></font>

Posted: 11 November 04 1:01 pm
by dcr
I edited "Scoutin' about" yesterday, and the changes have stayed put today (and made the email) <>.
Assuming there was an overninght data refresh from the secondary site things are good.

Well done guys, the effort you put into the tools available to us makes the AU Geocaching community far richer!!

cheers Darren :)

Posted: 11 November 04 6:08 pm
by EcoTeam
Mind Socket wrote:Worked for me,

Tee hee :)

I noticed in the main description, all the apostrophes were looking yuck in the text entry. Data or display issue, I don't know.
What's with the new image Rog?
You one of those climbing types now?

EcoDave :)

Posted: 12 November 04 11:29 am
by Mind Socket
EcoTeam wrote: What's with the new image Rog?
You one of those climbing types now?
I ran out of luscious sweet candy to not give to people. :)

I've been a climbing type for a while, just not a very active one. That pic is from Ladder of Gloom up at Berowra.

Keepin' it fresh,
- Rog

Posted: 14 November 04 11:09 pm
by dcr
dcr wrote:I edited "Scoutin' about" yesterday, and the changes have stayed put today (and made the email) <>.
Assuming there was an overninght data refresh from the secondary site things are good.
I Spoke too soon, this cache is probably now somewhere in Port Phillip Bay :(
When you said for * daring users only! * ... I was expecting a technical issue, rather than physical.

cheers Darren :)