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Posted: 13 July 04 2:35 pm
<font color="blue"><font face="verdana"><b>Glad you liked it 'I!'<br>It just appeared to me in one of those blurred bourbon inspiration sessions 8) <p>As for Embi's logo, I assume you wanted to keep the original logo as it's so recognisable.<br>What exactly is it? I've seen it used several times in different formats on the secondary site forums.<br>I did this one during a break from work not sure what you were looking for ... different font?, different colour, some flies? :wink: , or somthing completely different?<p>Image<p>If it is possible for you to set up the auto approvals 'I!', I can help out with the approvals embi if necessary :wink: :twisted: (chuckles)

Posted: 13 July 04 7:26 pm
by swampgecko
ideology wrote:tlc,
that is the funniest thing we've seen in ages! the juxtaposition of the high-tech font and the aussie fly reflects aussie geocachers' high-tech hunt into the great aussie bush! may we snaffle it? oops, too late!

thanks for the great feedback and suggestions! we we will incorporate as many as we can into the next mockup in a few days' time.

ian-and-penny made a great suggestion to ask what you do with the home page. we know what we do with it, but not what what you do.

here's our usage:
50% of the time: jump to the forum
30% of the time: keep up to date - watch that new caches are appearing
10% of the time: search and jump to a specific cache
10% of the time: jump to a cachers' sites to see what they are up to

what type of things do you do? what would you like to do? eg if we have state home pages, then we could turn on mega-loon mode and display the latest logs from each state so you don't need to watch every cache.

Ditto the boys, I have as my homepage, so I use it as a springboard to the rest of the aussie scene.

Seeing the names of the last 80-100 caches around Australia isn't useful to me, personally.
Full agreement here. I actually don't look at the latest cache lists for the states, I use the postcode search, or the slow way and just do a page by page walkthrough of the secondary site or use GSAK......

Posted: 13 July 04 10:03 pm
by The Ginger Loon
I LOVE the new logo (figuratively speaking of course :oops: )
The flies, oh man the flies. That is so funny.

I think they give the place a friendlier feeling, maybe a warning of what to expect inside. Typically Aussie, slightly ireverent & recognising that we are different and able to laugh at it at the same time. (Maybe I should apply for a gov't grant in bulldust)

Good on you Team Landcruiser!

Three thumbs up! :lol:

Posted: 13 July 04 10:30 pm
by Dingbats
The Ginger Loon wrote:I LOVE the new logo (figuratively speaking of course :oops: )
The flies, oh man the flies. That is so funny.

I think they give the place a friendlier feeling, maybe a warning of what to expect inside.
TLC, how about laying a few lantana branches, thorns and all across the logo?
I despise that weed :evil:

Posted: 07 September 04 5:55 pm
by ideology
thanks for the feedback
the work on the activity stats has merged with the work on the homepage, so please direct further comments to the activity stats thread