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Caching on the Go

Posted: 25 May 03 2:54 pm
by karmickev
Remember the days when a caching trip involved printing cache notes from - somehow getting the waypoint into ozi to print a map. etc etc.

The setup i have now is almost seamless, I just click on the waypoints I want (after a search or browse on, choose the download option and voila - thats it.

Behind the scenes, the gpxml file is downloaded, gpsbabel accepts the download, does the conversion to Ozi and uploads the waypoints to my eMap automatically.

I have the MobiBook cache list for S.A emailed to me 3 days a week , a script in Entourage decodes the attachment and puts it in the HotSync
queue automatically.

Next Hotsync, I have a searchable and browsable list of all the caches, available 24/7 on my PDA.

The only manual thing I have to do is open Ozi, load the waypoint file and print a map. Although, I tend not to do this much these days as the eMap mapping isn't that bad.

The workflow is easy to setup and other than Hardware costs, it free. Let me know if you want more info.


Posted: 25 May 03 4:08 pm
by hardunits
Sounds like a good setup. I will have to dust off the iPaq and give it a go. Was one of those spur of the moment purchases in Singapore that I have never really used. Then I just have to fork out for the Garmin Mapsource for my eMap. Like I haven't given Garmin enough money already!