Australian Geocaching Association

Geocaching Australia governance issues

What do you think??

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Australian Geocaching Association

Post by Cached » 08 January 05 5:27 pm

What if we formed an association to be a national body?

A committee would/could be elected every year.

Any guidelines etc. could be hammered out in the public space, but finally agreed on by the elected committee.

Any 'approvers' would be nominated by the committee and probably answerable to them. Any clarification of the guidelines would be through the committee.

Sub committees could be formed as required. States could be equally represented.

If you don't like the job the committee has done, or you don't like their rules, you vote them out next year.

The website would likely have to fit in with all this in a way that doesn't offend anybody (particularly i!).

Australia gets the hobby it wants without leaving any one person/company in a position to take over permanently, like Jeremy (GC) did.

Just an idea.

Think about it.

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Post by Slider & Smurf » 08 January 05 5:32 pm

Wouldn't really be representative unless you could get the message to all Australian cachers - as others have mentioned, a lot of cachers don't even know this forum exists, much less participate. Without representation from everyone, you're just working with a skewed sample - statistically speaking :wink: . Which just opens itself to more arguments and perceived inequity. Yay :roll: .
Maybe in a few years, but I don't think the rot's quite set in that badly yet.

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Post by EcoTeam » 08 January 05 5:39 pm

It has been discussed before over the years and unaminously rejected.

And as I've said many times before, even if people were interested, you would be lucky if you could find anyone who would actually be keen enough to be involved.

Geocaching is a hobby. Hobbies don't need comittees. A comittee would not achieve anything at this point in time, i.e. don't care about us, and no one is using our own listing site (yet).

The great thing about geocaching is that it has no rules and no comittees. Sure, if you use you have to follow their listing guidelines, but there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone going and starting their own geocaching website (like i! have done with and others have done.

EcoDave :)

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Post by leek » 08 January 05 5:41 pm

I understand why the topic has been brought up now and on the face of it, the idea is logical, but I'm not sure that it is a good idea...

If you form an association (National or State based), it will raise/create many issues that do not exist if we remain as a loosely associated group of individuals...

If you look at some of the forums in NZ, US & UK where they have formal associations, they seem to be endlessly wrapped up in legal and liability arguments, negotiations with land-owners and political arguments about the legitimacy of caches / funding of formal activities etc. etc. etc...

The association also can become a focal point for (legal) action by bodies such as the police, National Parks, government bodies etc...

As I said earlier, on the face of it it might seem like a good idea, but I would have a long hard think about the consequences before moving forward with this...


p.s. this has been discussed in other very old threads on the forum, but I'm too lazy to look them up at the mo...

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Post by swampgecko » 08 January 05 5:44 pm

I asked the same question before within another topic.. and guess the response...

oh, no need to guess the answer

... as we have no association now.......

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Post by Effrem » 08 January 05 5:50 pm

Slider & Smurf wrote: Maybe in a few years, but I don't think the rot's quite set in that badly yet.

Maybe we shouldnt wait for the "house" to fall down first.

Its a valid idea.

It really is a pity that the USA considers itself the only arbitor of what is right or wrong.

I firmly believe that every country should be responsible for its caches and whatever variants suit the local conditions.

We are a lot smaller counrty that the US but we are more globally responsive to the things that matter.

I imagine the whole issue would be different if the tusnami had affect Haiwai or the Gulf of mexico.

As a nation we donated 1 billion dollars and as individuals we have to date donated over $120,000,000.

That is a hell of a lot for a nation of 20 million or so.

Maybe its time we tell the USA to wake up to the fact that its a global sport, not an American only one.

BTB I am still P****ed that the jeep promo was US only, For frigs sake Chrysler is a global company why the hell couldnt they make it a global contest.

If Microsoft (aka The big Evil) can support 5% of computers with their Mac line of products, why cant a more responsible company support more than 5%?


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Post by Lt. Sniper » 08 January 05 7:47 pm

For a start, who cares who donated how much, while the number value does matter in the end, people are going about it "Oh your country only donated so much..." instead of thinking “How much can I donate to make a differenceÂâ€
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Post by Phlosten » 08 January 05 8:05 pm

I don't think it is a 'Dumb Idea', I just don't think it is a very feasible.
My first thought to come to mind is from a legal perspective as much as I hate it to be. If there is an association then there is a definate respresentive body to point the finger at and to hold responsible for any issues. In my mind that would open up a whole big can of worms.
I think the best thing about Geocaching is it's anonymity (sp?).
If the US run side of things became too much of a PITA then some sort of formation of an Australian organised way of doing things might be required.
The ago old saying, 'Don't fix what ain't broke', I think it is working well atm.

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Post by ideology » 08 January 05 9:02 pm

Cached wrote:What if we formed an association to be a national body? ... Australia gets the hobby it wants without leaving any one person/company in a position to take over permanently, like Jeremy (GC) did.
this is a fair topic given that this is the first time that we have gone against popular opinion

we don't want one person or company to control geocaching either. groundspeak can control it because they have a monopoly on the data. basically their position is "go ahead and start your own site," knowing full well that it's almost impossible to do so because no-one will visit a website that doesn't have many caches. so we are trying to think of ways to listing caches without monopolising your data. that way, if we ever end up like the secondary site, you can easily grab your data and go somewhere else. we're currently thinking some kind of creative commons licence for the data. we'll start another topic to refine this when we get a chance

as for the current data, mind socket has a snapshot of the database as of last week or so, so if we go feral in the meantime, at least he has the database and could set up a site!

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Post by CraigRat » 08 January 05 11:42 pm

I am not too keen on the idea.

I'm currenly a member of a Linux users Group that has pretty much become a non-functional entity now that it has been incorporated...

Too many people are willing at first to be chair, treasurer etc... but then theres the meetings, the legal paperwork, the liabilities etc... people get the hump when the comitties direction is questioned...

Worth discussing, but I cant see any advantage from here!!

Hobbies/addictions do not really need comittees in my opinion!!

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Post by Team Geo-Nads » 09 January 05 12:07 am

Hasn't this whole deal been caused by over regulation. Once you formalise it further you have to police those formalities

In the past this idea has fallen over because of lack of support but if we start it now with everybody hot under the collar will it be sustainable in the long term

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Post by Effrem » 09 January 05 1:10 am

[quote="Lt. Sniper"]For a start, who cares who donated how much, while the number value does matter in the end, people are going about it "Oh your country only donated so much..." instead of thinking “How much can I donate to make a differenceÂâ€

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Post by Lt. Sniper » 09 January 05 1:18 am

That was my intended point, I know the yanks donÂ’t care and some Aussies where following the yanks lead of throwing around the "But your country only did this much...". I know the Aussie care and thatÂ’s why I said we need to concentrate on the "What can we do" aspect.

The now apparent fracture between the 2 sites:
If we remove our caches they wont care one bit and any normal Geocacher in Australia will be affected and loose out in the long run. I donÂ’t want a divided community because thatÂ’s what it will be. I seriously believe you will loose a lot of this community who decide to stay with the site. I know for one I will, and I can tell you Queensland will as well. Divide up the country all you want, its just going to fall apart in your hands. :evil:

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Fractures can lead to quakes.

Post by TeamAstro » 09 January 05 11:41 am

I am on many committees at work, and have other hobbies where I am on councils, was recently President of one (most know where & what via my name) and still coordinate many other groups.

Caching, thank God, is NOT like that. No committees please.

It has been brilliantly managed by, and apart from their recent manoeuvre that has got up a few many Aussie noses (including mine – I was disappointed with them archiving Piggy’s Tsunami cache – but they are upholding their rules OK?), they have been doing a great job.

It is a big job managing what they do. I would hate to see the fracture occur. Cool down and re-think what you are doing With people archiving caches on the site, most of my cacher friends donÂ’t visit forums of They wonÂ’t be bothered (I asked some of them yesterday). I wonÂ’t be either (see the poll here guys and WAKE UP!) A lot of effort for what??

I hope people donÂ’t start “stealingÂâ€

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Re: Fractures can lead to quakes.

Post by maccamob » 09 January 05 12:29 pm

TeamAstro wrote:Caching, thank God, is NOT like that. No committees please. ..... I appreciate the efforts put in by those wanting to start the Aussie site. I do love the .AU info but to list caches on here, I think is a backward idea. Lots of databases trying to do the same thing never work. Most want one database.
I agree. We don't need committees in what is not, and should not be, an organised activity. I also believe that, for most, the convenience of having a single database of their activity will outweigh the occasional inconvenience of the secondary site's narrow view of things.

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