Temporary Senate/ Sponsorship Working group

Geocaching Australia governance issues
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Post by Richary » 03 October 08 11:57 pm

Papa Bear_Left wrote:Assuming this meets with general approval, I'd like to make two nominations:


Both have been around the game for awhile, have numerous finds of caches from both sites, have been active in these forums (>500 posts) and expressed opinions on this topic in the original thread.
Well I must say that was out of left field! I didn't expect to be nominated for such an important position! :shock:

Especially when there are people with a lot more finds, though I guess a lot don't frequent the forums regularly - and haven't expressed an opinion.

That said, I would be happy to do it. Because I want GCA to continue in the best way possible and recognising all the hard work the volunteers have done until now to make it what it is.

I will echo rhonogeo's comments about being nominated (not the I think part, but the other part about being willing to provide a service).

So if I need to write a brief "election" statement - I have been caching for about 5 years and obviously love it. My job is a "wireless network engineer" which involves everything from wireless LANs, broadband deployments in University accomodation, microwave links, laser links etc. I have experience and some qualifications in project management. Prior to that did network stuff with OTC/Telstra. I am also involved in long distance radio reception (DX) with the Australian Radio DX Club currently being the magazine editor and in the past also being Secretary (before I moved to Adelaide before moving back to Sydney).

My upcoming work commitments won't stop me being a part of discussions - maybe a few day trips over the next month or so but will have internet where I am going to be. But no big trips where I will be out touch for a week etc.

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Post by zactyl » 04 October 08 12:53 am

CraigRat wrote:Do you care about the site?
Do you want to help keep it going (by whatever means is decided?)
Do you want to weigh up the options, rather than nominate to block or alternatively rubber stamp the deal?
If yes, feel free to put your hand up!
*raises hand*
I'd much prefer to nominate others who are more skilled with the written word than myself, or RL relevant qualifications, but I certainly do want to see the site continue and grow, so I nominate myself to represent QLD cachers in the Senate.

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Post by ideology » 04 October 08 1:23 am

so far, our vote is for richary and zactyl because they have contributed to the site by listing some of their caches on gca. this is not to denigrate the contribution of the other members, but for several years now we've been saying to people if they want to support the site and thank the developers for the gazillions of hours put into it, then list a cache on gca. richary and zactyl have made such a contribution. thanks guys!

we'd love to see other people who have taken the time to list a cache on gca get involved in the subcommittee too!

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Post by angermanagement » 04 October 08 10:15 am

I would be happy to second Zactyl and Totalube for QLD representatives.

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Post by pjamesk » 04 October 08 10:20 am

<P>After rereading some of the posts this morning, in particular Craigrats last two posts. I have had another think about it. I would like to nominate myself for the following reasons</P>
<P>1. I am not one of the old-timers /statesmen/ do not have a high number of finds.</P>
<P>2. I don't remember the "good old times", I wasn't geocaching then.</P>
<p>3. I do feel passionate about GCA remaining to be controlled by the GCA community, to be here for future generations and to remain as "free and open" as possible</P>
<P>4. I too like the "fringe" activity side to geocaching but understand that it is only a matter of time before geocaching hits the headlines big time and more people will know about it and it won't be "so fringe", it all depends on how you play the game. There have been talks throughout the forums about large / mega events somewhere in Australia. Don't you think the organisers would want publicity. Then what will happen?</P>
<p>With these points in mind I have a different prospective than others that have been geocaching for a long time. I would be able to play the devil's advocate and throw differing opinions into the mix.</P>

<P>My background is that I am a Business Manager for the Hobart City Council in the Parks operations area. I am deal with contracts, tendering, budgeting financial reporting amongst other things. I am also the Treasurer of Geocaching Tasmania and would be able to take information back to them.</p>


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Post by totalube » 04 October 08 8:44 pm

[quote="angermanagement"]I would be happy to second Zactyl and Totalube for QLD representatives.[/quote]

Thanks angermanagement, I guess then I will officially nominate myself (seeing that I have already been seconded :D )

I have been caching for only a bit over a year, but I do care about the future of this sport/hobby and GCA.



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Post by roundcircle » 04 October 08 9:07 pm

As there does not seem to be an excessive number of candidates, I would like to put myself forward.

I use the the site almost every day (sad isn't it) and I think I make use of many of it's features. Certainly I read and occasionally post to the forums. I look at some of the blogs. I make use of the stats and use the Google maps here in preference to the GC ones. I chase GCA caches just as much as GC. (Both are loaded into my GSAK and my GPS, so I have GCA finds in two states). I upload photos to my logs on GC caches on this site, and I have made some suggestions as what might be added.

I also have some business experience that might be relevant, but I don't think that's really what being looked for.

Lastly, I am an active member of the Ballarat GeoCaching community and regularly work in Melbourne's CBD (Well Southbank, which is very near), and would be happy to meet and get the opinions of fellow cachers in either location. (Work permitting).

I am happy to declare that I have yet to donate to the current drive, but I shall be donating shortly.

I have already stated that I think the sponsor is worth giving serious consideration, with more a positive than negative view.

I am very keen to see the GCA site continue to grow, and keen to see that the small development community get the support they deserve.

I would not be offended if other Victorians are keen to participate and have more support than myself, as I have a hectic work schedule and a family who think I spend too much time on GeoCaching as it is.

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Post by Snuva » 04 October 08 9:21 pm

If we wind up with more than one senator in each state, I'd like to nominate myself. If not, I fully support pjamesk being a senator.<P>

Cahing-wise, pjamesk and I represent different ends of the spectrum. I have been called one of Tasmania's 'old-timers' by more than one cacher, so maybe should get used to that. I've seen what geocaching was like when we could count our state's cachers without using our toes, however I still think the 'good old days' are yet to come. <P>

I've seen GCA evolve from a page spot where Australian cachers posted links to their own web pages to the amazing spot it is today with all its varied functionality. GCA is important to me; I log into it every day, I read it more thoroughly than any newspaper, and I am constantly amazed by the funtionality that is developed and offered to us by volunteers. So I'd like to step up in some way to help.<P>

I have worked to grow a sense of community in Tasmanian geocachers, especially when we were few and far between, distributed across the state.<P>

I also have strong links to another geocaching community that is quite large: the San Francisco Bay Area in California. I know some of the difficulties they've had with the large population of cachers there, but also how they have at times turned this into a positive - negotiating with local and state government agencies, sponsoring creek beds, organising large CITO events, manning booths with bushwalking and geocaching information at festivals, etc.<P>

In my muggle life, aside from being a standard schnauzer, I am also a business analyst and project manager for the state goverment.

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Post by Snuva » 04 October 08 9:22 pm

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Post by Richary » 04 October 08 9:55 pm


We are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves here. I agree PBL's suggestion is a good one (and not just because I was one of the people he nominated - though after swapping private emails with him I can see why he thought I would be a good candidate). But yes, I think this is a decision that needs to be made by the GCA community as a group - or at least some representatives of that group.

If we have a Senate (or in reality more a consultative committee) on this issue - who chooses the representatives? We have people being nominated, nominating themselves and so on.

So does everyone who has expressed an interest end up on the Committee in a private forum thread? Or do we have an election for a state rep? Or do C&W and the other developers choose someone?

I don't think we have time to play around with elections and so on if they want a yes/no by November unless they are very short ones. But the last option is bound to lead to bad blood of "why didn't they pick me".

Also how does sharing the proposal amongst a group of cachers from different states (who haven't so far signed any confidentiality agreements) sit with the sponsor?

That said, I am happy with all the nominations (and self nominations) so far, even with the people I don't know. People have nominated because they are passionate about GCA and that is the right reason to do so.

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Post by caughtatwork » 04 October 08 10:55 pm

Simple summary of those who have nominated (and accepted).

Code: Select all

State     Cacher     GCA Hidden GCA Found Total Hidden Total Found Years Experience
WA     Papa Bear_Left     0        17         91           799         5 to 6
NSW    richary            4        77         21          2006         5 to 6
VIC    Rhinogeo           0        28         25          1441         5 to 6
VIC    roundcircle        1        15          7           402         2 to 3
SA     Jardry             0         2         33           313         1 to 2
TAS    pjamesk            0         3         26           139         2 to 3
TAS    Snuva              4       128         58          1135         4 to 5
QLD    totalube           0         0         22           491         1 to 2
QLD    zactyl            16        38         32           197         5 to 6

VIC  caughtatwork        33        42         99          1567         4 to 5
TAS  CraigRat            15        47         37           523         4 to 5
NSW  riblit               5        48         38           327         6 to 7
No accepted nominees from NT, ACT. I didn't include winglen as they haven't accepted.

If you want to nominate yourself, please do so.

The three primary developers will be on this Senate. A little dictatorial, but as we know what is going on and know what the site can / can't do technically, we will bolster the ranks for this discussion. Riblit is away during these discussions so may not be available. Initially CraigRat is also O/S but has been chiming in where needed. I am here which is why I've been providing the majority of the input.

All bar one nominee has found at least one GCA cache. 4 of the 9 nominees have hidden at least one GCA cache.

Let's keep the nominations coming and when we get enough representation either we'll go to a vote or someone can voluntarily pull out. If we end up with a "reasonable" number of nominees, then we might just go ahead with everyone. I don't know what is reasonable, time will tell.

Thanks for the initial enthusiasm, it's great to see people getting on board for this import discussion and decision.

Remember, these people will represent your views, so please read their responses carefully to the original proposal and decide if you want them to represent you. If you think they may not represent your view, chime in and nominate yourself.

This is not a popularity contest. These people will help decide whether we go ahead with the sponsorship deal or not. Ultimately (and this is yet to be decided), the popular view of the Senate (either YES or NO) may be put to the masses and a result based on both the Senate vote and your vote will determine the acceptance or not.

We're working this as we go, so please forgive the hasty construction of the Senate and the vote process.

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Post by 2dudez » 05 October 08 12:05 am

Thanks for adding the list C@W.
Makes it easier than looking back through the posts to see who has been nominated.

Having read what some have written, as to what they can bring to the table, and knowing some listed either personally or by reputation, It all sounds good. (I'm very happy with the proposed Vic delegates)

As time is of the essence here, (hopefully NT and ACT will have someone soon) and as this is for a Temporary senate I don't see a problem with the temporary senate/sponsorship working party being made up of everyone on the list as it stands.
The list is made up of those that are passionate enough about the site that either themselves or someone else thought that they can make a positive contribution to the immediate task in hand.

As far as a permanent committee goes, that can all be hammered out at a later date, when we have the time to decide voting process, length of terms, number of representatives etc.

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Post by Richary » 05 October 08 1:20 am

Thanks C&W. Shows who has expressed interest in being involved in the way GCA moves forward. I look forward to adding my opinions if I am one of the chosen few 8)

I approach this argument from a yes we need the money, but no we don't want to lose control aspect. So depending on the deal that s offered it may be good or it may not. If any sponsorship deal wants to control GCA then that is out of the question. If it is positive and promoting the sport in a good way then take the money.

The second question that will come up I am sure is how long is the sponsorhip deal good for. It does us no good if aomeone pays for the site for (say 2 years) then pulls out and we are back to donations.

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Post by caughtatwork » 05 October 08 10:35 am

richary wrote:Thanks C&W. Shows who has expressed interest in being involved in the way GCA moves forward. I look forward to adding my opinions if I am one of the chosen few 8)

I approach this argument from a yes we need the money, but no we don't want to lose control aspect. So depending on the deal that s offered it may be good or it may not. If any sponsorship deal wants to control GCA then that is out of the question. If it is positive and promoting the sport in a good way then take the money.

The second question that will come up I am sure is how long is the sponsorhip deal good for. It does us no good if aomeone pays for the site for (say 2 years) then pulls out and we are back to donations.
In the OP I indicated that it would be 5 or so years. That's an estimate based the sponsors indicate that it would be "long term". The final duration is to yet to be agreed.

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Post by Bewilderbeest » 05 October 08 11:49 am

caughtatwork wrote:No accepted nominees from NT, ACT. I didn't include winglen as they haven't accepted.

If you want to nominate yourself, please do so.
As somebody with extensive experience hiding and finding caches, as well as being an active (on-topic) member of the GCA forums, I nominate SecretSquirrel-BJC to represent the ACT.

I havent spoken directly to him about this, so Im not sure of his availability/willingness. If Ben is unable or unwilling, I'll put my hand up to represent the ACT. I've been caching for two years now and I consider myself to have a pretty good range of caching experience out in the field. I'm also a regular reader of the forums. If its relevant, in my other life I work as a project manager for a government dept.

