Time to Get Fair Dinkum? [closed]

For all your general chit chat, caching or not.
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Post by If » 25 September 07 10:43 pm

I am just beginning my third week of geocaching, and I was just thinking that I had discovered a group of people who, like me, liked the outdoors and were also fairly technologically aware and thinking that I might have actually found a niche into which I could fit, when I discovered that the forums were just like every other mailing list/forum/group contact I have ever taken part in.

Thank you xusia :D I could not have worded it better myself 8)
I have left every club I have ever joined, because I just wanted to participate. Inevitably my enthusiasm has been mistaken as insolence by the powers that be :P

PS: keep up the good work mods.

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Post by xusia » 25 September 07 10:48 pm

Thanks Grank! This is due to my unfamiliarity with this interface more than anything else. OK, let's try it - Carriage Return....


Carriage Return...NOW!


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Post by Ranger1 » 25 September 07 10:51 pm

Whilst we have been caching for about 19 months I am fairly new to forums. So far I have found on the whole the forums to be quite helpful & have had a lot of support from people I have never met. Geocaching has allowed us to make friends from all 4 corners of the world & to have a lot of fun & adventures. I just hope that in the years to come we are able to still have the fun that caching was created for & still find helpful & supportive comments on the forum.

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Post by Cached » 25 September 07 10:54 pm

You know, what if we had a GPSR section - that might have it's uses...

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Post by xusia » 25 September 07 10:56 pm

Pesky! wrote:
Grank wrote:
xusia wrote:PS Can anybody PLEASE tell me how to do a $#%@ing carriage return on this system?
Tick the box that says "disable HTML in this post". (and press Enter at the end of a para LOLOLOL)
do we all have to move this thread over to helping out the noob , Now?
how about a forum for the literacy challenged or at least fo thosw who do not proof read thier posts before subitting them.

Right! I'm off to Umina Beach immediately to clean up some pesky!


Oh, btw, where is Umina Beach? Is there a cache there? Pesky, could you see your way clear to sending me your home coordinates? It'll make the whole job quicker and easier.

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Post by xusia » 25 September 07 10:59 pm

Looking at the last few posts, my guess is that the latter half of the thread description is coming into effect.

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Post by caughtatwork » 25 September 07 11:06 pm

It's not irrelevant.

Most of the people act in a completely different way when you meet them in person.

For some reason, boredom possibly, when they get behind a keyboard they assume different personas.

Every cacher I've met in the wild has been really nice.
Every cacher I've spoken to on the phone has been really nice.

I think the main issue here is off topic posting. Answer the OP's question before foolishness would be my motto. Oh, and don't be a jerk would be the simple way to put it.

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Post by Richary » 25 September 07 11:19 pm

I am going to assume that this thread was never started as a personal attack on anyone. Because I have faith in the people here. And I have watched it for a while before posting.

I believe Bronze took the comments too personally, but perhaps they went on too long. I will admit that the teapots didn't do anything for me, but I understood the intent.

I used to post a lot on fidonet before the internet was widely available. The difference back then was people had to have some level of technical knowledge to be online. We used to have flame groups for fun, with people getting a TSOHF occasionally.

I am sorry to see Bronze go. I hope he reconsiders and rejoins. Some of the comments here got a bit personal, and went on too far. Other points were valid.

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Post by xusia » 25 September 07 11:24 pm

caughtatwork wrote:It's not irrelevant.
What's not irrelevant?
caughtatwork wrote: Most of the people act in a completely different way when you meet them in person.

For some reason, boredom possibly, when they get behind a keyboard they assume different personas.
Really? That's quite an interesting hypothesis. I am the same person behind the keyboard as away from it. Perhaps I am the exception that proves the rule. Despite the interesting avatar and nickname, you can get a fair idea of who I am from my original serious post to this thread.
caughtatwork wrote: I think the main issue here is off topic posting. Answer the OP's question before foolishness would be my motto. Oh, and don't be a jerk would be the simple way to put it.
Pretty much exactly what I said in my original post. And I reiterate: "Why worry if the person asking the question is happy?" And, what exactly did you delete, caughtatwork? Can you give us a quote and allow us to determine its relevance?

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Post by caughtatwork » 26 September 07 12:12 am

I meant that the conversation as it is now is nor irrelevant. It is very relevant.

From being on many fora as well as having many email flame wars, most people that I've come across are perceived as being different when they are writing something than they would be in person, speaking face to face. You miss all of the human characteristics of body language in the written word. This means words are misinterpreted and the slanging starts.

I didn't keep a record of what was deleted, but it was completely off topic and unhelpful to the question that was posed.

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Post by xusia » 26 September 07 12:21 am

caughtatwork: fair enough.

All I can add is that I have always tried to make myself perfectly clear on forums such as this - despite the fact that it is impossible to perceive non-verbal signals when you can't see the person writing the post. Anyhow, I am going geocaching again soon and cannot wait! You folks who have thousands of finds up your sleeve - does it ever get boring?? 'Cos at the moment with just 10 finds under my belt I just HAVE to get out there and DO IT! Does this feeling continue when you hit triple and quadruple figures?

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Post by Richary » 26 September 07 1:32 am

xusia wrote:! Does this feeling continue when you hit triple and quadruple figures?
<p>For some of us - definitely. And if you look at my graphs you an see when I have been a lonely single man, or with someone :shock: :x :shock:

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Post by Mr Router » 26 September 07 8:17 am

The written word can have just as much intent as any body language, and I dont think it's boredom ! it's when things go stale :shock:
