Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

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baby&Mrs gopher
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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by baby&Mrs gopher » 28 October 09 9:37 pm

yeah G'day all.
baby&Mrs gopher this way bazz&anne.From The Rock NSW.We were introduced to the game by a radio mate back in 2005.Just after that baby finished his full time job picking up for want of a better word" bodies" some in better condition then others.Went for a drive to get a head back together and decided to find a few lunch boxes on the way.That was the start and now we both enjoy looking at the world out there through your eyes.
We are both on the committee for the big event and so know we will get to meet and greet some of you.Take care. :-#

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by AmboGuy » 02 December 09 9:21 am

I am Guy, from Mission, British Columbia.
I cache with my Son, Ryan,
Ryan was born in Gold Coast Hospital, his Mum is Canadian, and I ended up here.
Originally from Tassie, before immigrating, I was a paramedic with Queensland Ambulance, and a "Vollie" in S.A. St John Ambulance stationed at Mt Barker, while I served in the Army at 16 Air Defence Regt. Woodside.

Been in Canada 6 years, and won't be back (except for visits) until my son is legally old enough to make the decision to leave this place.
"I still call Australia home", but am stuck here.

Guy (amboguy) Ryan (rybear)

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by emily~angel » 04 December 09 10:57 pm

Hi I am emily~angel from South Australia.
I cache with my husband The Mad Mashys and our children. We will hopefully get more serious in the new year - love it.

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Re: anyone from Southern Tas?, anyone from Canada/B.C.?

Post by AmboGuy » 07 December 09 8:01 am

Snuva wrote:Another Tassie cacher! yeah! but why another NORTHERNER. Are they selling GPSrs at chickenfeed in the north? is it the water! :lol:
I was born in Hobart, moved to Launnie at aged one, then Huonville grade 6, Hobart Grade 9, then NSW (Army), then S.A. (Army) then Gold Coast (after leaving Army), then Hobart, then Ipswich Paramedic, (QAS) then Gold Coast, (met Canadian wife when her Mother had a seizure (she wasn't my wife when I met her - Duh) Then Mission British Columbia, (the wife just had a baby - NOT MINE - soon to be ex wife) so am I a Northerner, Southerner or Great White Northerner??

Are any other members in Canada/B.C?
amboguy GC.com

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by nowhere2Bseen » 08 December 09 6:16 pm

Hi all,
Wait for it... I am also a Taswegian, born in Launceston, raised in Whitemore (Near Carrick) and then moved to Adelaide to pursue a life as a diesel mechanic. I started caching in Tassie when I was home on a holiday in 06 and when I came back to SA I got too busy and forgot all about caching for a while. One day I thought "wonder if my account still works on geocaching.com?" and it did, about 2 months later I bought my Nuvi 500 gpsr and haven't looked back since.
At the time of writing I have the respectful sum of 20 caches found and working on more :) My 2 year old daughter isn't sure what it is all about yet, although I try and take her on caches which I know are reasonably easy and have something else to distract her in case I end up with a DNF. :oops:

Very much looking forward to the Wagga event next year too...

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by theheadchef » 18 December 09 9:29 am

Hi, I am from the Central Coast of NSW, recently got into geocaching thanks to the brother-in-law. Since then I have encouraged a mate to start and while have not personally met Shifter Brains, they have been very nice and helpful. Also I am looking forward to meeting up with Spikeymikey who seems a decent fellow as well.

I guess like everyone, if I had the time I would be geocaching a lot more. And it's funny when we drive around now, my five year old who is generally my geocaching offisider says to me......."hey dad, that looks like a good spot for a geocache"......We printed out a heap of stuff from the website and he did a show-and-tell at pre-school on geocaching and apparently it has been one of the most captivating show-and-tells ever.

Anyone from the Central Coast who would like to say hi, please do. And especially anyone new from the area, because I am trying to organise a day doing all the caches around Ourimbah State Forest and such. So far I have three others keen to go.

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by Happy Chappies » 08 January 10 4:05 pm

Being a slow day at work, I realised that even though I scour these forums now and then and have been caching for quite a while now, I've never actually introduced myself properly!

As the Happy Chappies (myself (Eddie), Michelle (my wife) and our kids Ethan and Jasmine) we've been caching for a couple of years now I reckon (it's hard to keep track!) since some friends put us onto it. It just opened up a whole new world for us. That thrill I got on my very first cache (A History Apparatus - GCPN06) to see something I'd seen every day for years in a new light, and reach my hand into places unknown to find the unexpected cache still stays with me - I remember the ride home on the train that night, looking at the same old suburbs with new eyes, wondering what caches lurked out there :D

So we've kept it up in bits and pieces, usually integrated in with our hobbies of cycling, bushwalking, a bit of 4wding (complete with our TB'd Land Rover!) and camping, as well as whenever work sends me anywhere near or far! We're based in Box Hill in Victoria/Melbourne... And that circle of completed caches is slowly getting wider and wider :wink:

We've also enjoyed placing a few caches and the rewards that come with that... And of course the odd FTF and meeting the occasional cacher en route (although to date we've only officially met Bob/Geodes in the field... hoping to meet some more one day!) - I think an event cache will be on my agenda soon, and even got ideas for the planning of one later this year which could be wonderful....

Anyway - just an official hello :) Hope to bump into some of you out in the field!

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Post by Dvixen » 11 January 10 11:14 am

Dvixen wrote:Hi all!

I'm up in the Great White North, in Victoria, BC, after getting my start in caching in Australia.
Ooo, I haven't updated, silly me.

I'm no longer in the Great White North, haven't been for quite some time. I've since moved to Canberra, married Eynowd, and we're expecting our first (his third) small one in ~5 weeks. =D>

It's been quite the path, Geocaching the whole way!

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by stealth_ninja_penguin » 19 January 10 9:33 pm

Hi, my name is Stealth Ninja Penguin. I'm a pan-dimensional being from space that travels through time, space and logic. I appear on this planet in the physical form of a humble penguin as not to create too much of a fuss while I wander around studying humans and their funny ways before they completely kill themselves and each other.
Of course I'm not a penguin (see above) and I don't exist so don't worry about it too much and just carry on as you were. And if you are worried about me then - Do you really want to argue with something that's not there? See, who's the crazy one now?

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by caughtatwork » 19 January 10 10:08 pm

Hey, who's the n00b?

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by BekahBug » 20 January 10 10:52 pm

Hi All,
I'm Bekah, going by BekahBug on GC (would like to change to that here also if I can). I have only been caching since Oct last year and have only just found these forums. I generally go out with my daughter who is 4 years old and loves the swaps and my son who is 9 months old.
I live in Werribee, Victoria, quite close to embi I believe. I have been caching a lot in Perth recently though as my hubby has been working here and so the rest of us have come over for a holiday and there really isn't that much to do in the hotel room.
For all of you guys who complain about the wife/gf who gets fed up with you caching, that is reversed in our house and it is my hubby who is saying 'enough is enough'

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by Beebeejaybee » 22 March 10 9:11 pm

Hi all

I'm Belinda but go by B or BJ either is good

anyway after month and maybe years of being interested but juts not having the equipment I finally got started about a month ago with the iPhone app liked it so much I went and got myself a Garmin etrex H, but yet to get the chance to try it out .... My DP is another eye roller :roll: always with some comment about collecting figurines from hidden lunch boxes ..... he hasn't seen the micros and I haven't gone looking for nanos just yet

Trying to find a way to take the 2 year old little miss with out her getting bored or painfull we don't have a car so getting to decent start points is a journey in itself for her considering bicycling not sure how stealthy getting off your bike to searching the bushes is though...... by myself is by motorcycle or foot if the bot would come along we would go by sidecar :sigh: ........... :oops: sorry rambling but he does have a few weekends he wants to go away in the near future :twisted: so perhaps some armtwisting will be included "since you are going to XYZ next weekend with your mates you probably wont mind geocaching withme on the way to ABC tomorrow" :twisted:

I'm sure there will be more eye rolling by little brother when I tried to explain proclaimed it must be a girl thing, my dad agreed, my mum is keen for me to take her with me doing the locals

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by theheadchef » 25 March 10 12:07 pm

Hey Belinda,

Nice to have you on board. Can I just ask, did you go to school in Queensland by any chance? Because I hardly understood a thing you said. Basically I got the 'Belinda' bit and something about the 'Garmin E Trex'.......just kidding, not having a go at you, but maybe you need to type a bit slower or something, just so we can enjoy reading your posts. That is, unless you are cleverly encrypting your comments and we should be deciphering them in some way? :mrgreen:

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by blossom* » 25 March 10 7:56 pm

Hi Belinda, Not sure what theheadchef's problem is - I understood perfectly what you were saying 8) Maybe it's just that I'm so up with the local jargon :lol: :lol: :lol: (gotta laugh, I'm possible one of the older cachers in this form!!) Where do you live? I see you've done caches in Nelson Bay but say you come from "Sydney". Yep, it sure is hard to keep a 2yo happy for any length of time. The best way is to choose caches that are in parks with playgrounds maybe. Or of course, bribes that have your guy babysitting and you free to roam the countryside :D

I have the same problem - getting my partner to come caching with me and enjoy it. I'm looking around for a few places that might keep him interested. Stuff like a motorbike museum right nearby. Or some interesting bit of old machinery. Anyone know of these sort of caches to help out us girls here?

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Re: Where are we all from??? (introduce yourself) parts 1&2

Post by Beebeejaybee » 26 March 10 12:06 am

Sorry headchef ....... No didn't go to school in QLD just have a bad habit of brain dumping ;-) just type till the words stop flowing

thanks blossom I'm from western Sydney but holiday a fair bit in Nelson bay ...... I managed to get more time early in the mornings to get out and have a go than I do when not on holiday......... Found a few around home tonight with the help of mum and the fact they involved parks

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