Page 1 of 1 smartphone date logging issue

Posted: 12 March 13 3:32 pm
by rediguana
A number of you are probably well aware that the official application seems to, well, crap itself when dealing with dates from such forward thinking countries as New Zealand and Australia :D The very latest v5.1.1 update of the iPhone Geocaching application, released today, still suffers this problem. Could I please ask you, if you are a free or paying user of this application, to please post in this thread on the forums to ask for it to be fixed. The more people that ask, the better.

Geocaching for Iphone 5.1.1 Release Notes

I'm am trying to get a lot of people posting about this issue in this thread, so I can draw it to the attention of numerous lackies, and one owner, of Groundspeak, that I know personally to get some action on this. But, we need you posts and evidence that this is indeed a problem for us!

Re: smartphone date logging issue

Posted: 13 March 13 1:02 am
by Apty
I've posted in Geocaching South Australia Fb group, asking people to back your campaign.
Also, I know SneakySqueaky posted in another S.A. Fb group.
You seem to be getting a few posting, so hopefully Groundspeak will listen!

Re: smartphone date logging issue

Posted: 13 March 13 8:08 am
by LouiseAnn
Ditto for Melbourne