First impressions of eXplorist 610

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First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 15 November 10 1:27 pm

Now this is mainly for Magellan users (who are loyal customers) - don't want to hear Garmin groupies with "but my Oregon, Dakota, Colorado, Mississippi, Carolina, Texas blah blah blah could do that years ago" We are somewhat aware of that fact [-(

I received my eXplorist 610 in the mail on Wednesday 10 November from Next Destination. Apparently I was the first to be issued with a bought unit in Australia! (hope that is not a bad thing?)

What first struck me after taking it out of the box was how solid and weighty it felt – even without the batteries in it! With its curved back it fits snugly in the palm of the hand, but switching it on for a left hander is a little awkward (but then again what isn’t for a left hander – ever tried cutting paper with scissors designed for right handers?) There is a large loop at the bottom of the unit which is the continuation of the side protective moulding where you can attach a sturdy lanyard and hang the GPS down on your chest upside down. So that when you want to use the GPS you pick it up and it is automatically the right way up – just like the fob watches that nurses used to use. However I am not too keen on attaching the GPS in that manner – not because it isn’t strong, but because when bending over looking for caches or ferreting around rocks etc, it will surely swing around and bang on anything in its way. And if you have to hang onto it with one hand to stop it swinging around, it just defeats the purpose of having it attached with a lanyard.

The unit takes AA size batteries and lithium, alkaline or rechargeable batteries can be used. There is a setting that you have to tap to tell the unit which type of battery you are using to best utilise the power.

It took about 35 seconds to actually switch on and show the map screen, but when it did it had satellite reception and was actually tracking straight away.

The screen is bright and clear and the touch screen surprisingly responsive, although I still haven’t got the hang of scrolling up. (more on that later)

After playing with it for a few minutes I was able to work out the basics, but when toggling between the map screen and the compass screen a weird zooming effect occurred. Even though I was at a zoom level of say 240 metres on the map, when I went to the compass and then back to the map it would zoom out to 3,200kms!! I disabled the “Auto Zoom” function and that seemed to stop that occurring again, but hasn’t happened again even when enabling “Auto Zoom”.

I was then confounded with the most simple of functions. After selecting a cache or a WPT, how the heck do you cancel it? In the 600 there was a simple selection in the "GoTo" screen called "Cancel GOTO" After a lot of screen tapping (the manual doesn't mention a word about it) I discovered that you have to "Cancel the Route" Now I ignored that for a while because I didn't set up a "Route", but I guess if I had the Routing map installed (an extra $149) then when you select any WPT - you automatically create a route.

After getting over some simple hurdles like that (which look pretty big at the time - let me tell you!) I started to really enjoy this unit. Loved how I can select a geocache and quickly zoom in on the map to see where it is and tap on the surrounding features to quickly pick up names of roads, mountains, facilities etc. However not so pleased that when you select a geocache after selecting “view on map” - the zoom remains at the level that was on the “view map” screen. On the 600 the zoom would revert to the level that you had on the normal map screen which typically would be around 350 metres.

Another issue I am dealing with is how to cancel a "geocache route" without accidentally tapping the "Found It" button. When you tap on the bottom RHS Menu button the Options screen comes up. Then to scroll down to "Cancel Route" you put your thumb on the bottom of the screen to drag it up - and guess where the "Found" it button is! I suddenly realised that I had found half a dozen caches and I hadn't even moved from my desk. I need to practice that "window drag" manoeuvre before I don't have any more caches to do. It would be nice to be able to program the order of the items on the Options Menu – I would put “Cancel Route on the first screen – definitely before say “Backtrack”. Or have “up” and “down” arrows at the bottom of all of these screens.

I love how I can load up all of my state's caches - I loaded all of my unfound caches - about 5,500 and just was amazed at the detail - although I wish the Child WPTS were on the same file and that we could import the images as well - makes some multis and puzzles a little easier to do when you can see the instructions if they are in image form.

Anyway - this is just my first impressions and I am loving other aspects of the unit and will get the hang of it in a few days or so. For instance it is so cool to have the compass superimposed on the map screen. But the compass is different from the 600 which had a large indicator highlighted in red showing the direction of the cache. Again I guess I will get used to the tiny red arrow head on the 610.

One other issue - I wish I could alter the size of the position indicator arrow on the map screen. It is way too big and hides too much detail at certain zoom levels - like the cache! However - because of the very quick ability to zoom in and out I am getting used to it.

The unit came pre-loaded with The World Edition map which allows for 2D or 3D viewing angles. It includes a complete road network in Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, and Western Europe and major roads throughout the rest of the world. The eXplorist 610 also came preloaded in its internal memory with the Summit Series - DiscoverAus Topo, detailed maps for suburban and country streets including minor sealed and unsealed roads, 4WD tracks, trails and contour lines for all of Australia. Along with this the Australian unit comes with a preloaded SD card containing Geoscience Australias 1:250k Topo Maps.

When you zoom out on the map screen the 3 maps seamlessly appear at predetermined zoom levels – it is really fascinating and there is so much detail. However the map colours of the Discover Aus Topo mapping are a bit too dark. The colour between the streets is a dark olive green which makes it hard to read names that are printed in black on the map. I would have thought that the lighter colours of the Google maps would be better suited.

I now need to work out how to add WPT's and adjust the co-ords in a more efficient manner – there are too many “taps” to get to the screen where you change the co-ords. Also you have to key in every number even if you don’t want to change most of them.
For instance if I get to the screen to change the south co-ords I would see as an example “25.908”. And say I just wanted to change the last 2 digits of the decimal minutes from “08” to “35”. You can’t move the cursor over to the last 2 digits and change them – you actually have to key in “2”, “5”, “9” and then “3”, “5”.

Also you don’t get an opportunity to view it on the map before saving it. Very handy to check that you have entered the right co-ords before going to it.

There is a 3.2 mega-pixel camera that takes very good quality photos which can be attached to your route. There is also a voice recorder which means that cachers like myself who record their finds with a voice message, now don’t have to carry a bevy of equipment to find a cache – just the GPS (and maybe the mobile phone).

There are other useful functions like the “One Touch Menu” where you can assign a button to do a commonly used task, like camera or voice recorder or home etc. There are 9 buttons that you can customise to your own preference.

Over all – it is the type of unit where you can say “I wonder if it does this” and you go searching and more often than not it does! So it is quite intuitive and crammed with functions and features.

I have already sent a message to Next Destination with my findings and preferences and they have passed it onto the Magellan Product Manager in the USA. So with some luck, some of my wishes may be included in future firmware upgrades.

Hope to hear from others who have the same unit.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by caughtatwork » 15 November 10 1:34 pm

I have a Garmin Oregon 450, so sorry for posting in your thread, but I need to let you know that your comment here
There is a setting that you have to tap to tell the unit which type of battery you are using to best utilise the power.
prompted me to look into whether mine was settable for the battery type. It certainly is settable and so I'll set my accordingly and see what battery life I get.

Interesting reading pprass and glad that I did as you may have solved a Garimn realted issue for me.

Do you find that when scrolling around you need to press the screen with some force (well, not force, but not too lightly either) or is it like the iphone type screen where a mere breath can get it to scroll?

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 15 November 10 1:54 pm

caughtatwork wrote:I have a Garmin Oregon 450, so sorry for posting in your thread,...
That's ok no need to be sorry - as long as it wasn't "but my Oregon did......" (ps - glad you took it in the humour that it was intended)
caughtatwork wrote:Do you find that when scrolling around you need to press the screen with some force (well, not force, but not too lightly either) or is it like the iphone type screen where a mere breath can get it to scroll?
I have tried both methods and have had equally horrid results (that phrase used by a recent moderator was used a few times, modified of course :roll:)
When I try the firm approach, I think I am attacking it too hard and it just opens the option that I hit. When I try too light, it doesn't move, so I try a bit harder and a bit harder and then I am back to firm approach! Althought the screen is a good size it has a raised boarder around it and so you can't do a good single movement sweep with your finger like you can with the flat iphone screens. I tend to be limited to short sharp sweeps and if I try to do long ones, I have to raise my finger before I hit the boarder and it doesn't register. Just more practice I guess.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by PesceVerde » 15 November 10 9:00 pm

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I would also be interested in reading about 1st hand experience with the tracklog function of the 610. How accurately does the unit plot your position on a tracklog, compared with your actual track along the ground? :?:

If Garmin is going to try shaking it's (arguably) big brand loyalty stick, in .com games with, it might be time to start looking elsewhere come time for new hardware :). (edit: I currently own a Garmin.)

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by Tuena » 18 December 10 10:00 am

I'd appreciate hearing your "second impressions" on this unit.

I've read the comments in the Groundspeak forum & they are quite supportive.


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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 18 December 10 4:40 pm

Tuena wrote:I'd appreciate hearing your "second impressions" on this unit.
Since writing "First impressions...", I have cached with it a few times and I find it just fantastic. When bearing down on a cache, the electronic compass (which kicks in when traveling at less than 6 kms per hour - which is adjustable), is steady and true. That means I can take a line and stick to it right to the cache (which wasn't always the case with the previous Magellans) This has given me a lot of confidence with the unit and I am usually at GZ way before c-pprass is who using an eXplorist 500 (she now wants a 510 :( )

The mapping is fantastic and very reliable - just wish the position cursor wasn't so big. It is fast to operate and doesn't "hang" when going from compass to map screen.

clyde fixed the downloading of images with the cache notes, but only partly. If there is more than one image on a cache page, you currently only get to see the first one.

Creating WPT's is fast but I still have a lot to learn on how to utilise the favourites function and setting up other options.

One issue I am not happy with is the battery life. I am using eneloop rechargables and I am lucky to get more than 4 hours out of one charge. The publicity information said that you could get up to 15 hours on Lithium batteries - but that must be when you have everything switched off!

Regarding PesceVerde's query - "I would also be interested in reading about 1st hand experience with the tracklog function of the 610", do you mean your own tracklog? ie recording a track and then activate it and follow it? If that is what you mean, then I haven't done that, but I have noticed that the track that the eXplorist records on the map screen follows the roads and tracks that we have been traveling on fairly closely.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by PesceVerde » 18 December 10 6:23 pm

... the track that the eXplorist records on the map screen follows the roads and tracks that we have been traveling on fairly closely.
That's hit the nail on the head I think.

My new other-brand GPSr seemed to have a more than one track mind at times. The tracklogs have improved though, after a couple of operating software updates and a bit more practice dialling in the settings. Maybe I expected too much from the unit, too soon.
Thanks. :)

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by Tuena » 18 December 10 6:43 pm

Thanks for those additional comments - now to make a decision.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by FelixII » 16 March 11 1:29 pm

\:D/ We had a Magellan Explorist 400 for many years for 4wding. Have now upgraded to 610 for geocaching and just loving it. The touch screen is great except as previously mentioned when trying to cancel a route. We now carry a Nintendo Stylist with us and when we need to scroll the touch screen we use that fairly quickly. Most of the time we can manage with the scroll buttons or the active screen itself. But those occasions still crop up where you need to use the slide bar and it is too close to the edge! So far that is the only frustrating part. We just love the 610. All the cache detail is magic. Did 100 caches in one day at Albany and was just great to use previous logs etc.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 16 March 11 4:58 pm

Glad you are enjoying the GPS FelixII. I am also finding it a marvelous tool/toy and am gaining confidence with it every time I go out. We are all waiting for the next software update which will solve some minor issues that people have been bringing up. See this forum for issues. ... &Itemid=62

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by E_ZIG_A » 22 March 11 8:15 pm

Im interested to know if you can use this GPS (properly mounted of course and that's the next question...) whilst driving; say offroading or if you have the right maps, whilst travelling overseas? I'd like to be able to use my GPS to get to within cooee of a geocache, be it via offroad trails, or perhaps the winding side streets of Dublin in Ireland and then once close by road, park the car and wander around on foot until the find.

Also, does this come with a mount (to be purchased as an accessory) which can hold it and charge it at the same time for when driving around? Most of my geocaches are done on a long road trip, or when randomly driving around getting some practice up for the junior geocacher! It would be handy to charge up the unit on the go, whilst having it sit in a cradle. (means rechargeable batteries of course).

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 22 March 11 9:28 pm

The mapping that comes with this GPS is absolutely first class. You can travel along freeways, highways, side roads and then minor tracks and trails up mountains and obscure wilderness - all tracked by the GPS anywhere in Oz.
You can also purchase an additional turn-by-turn mapping product that turns your GPS into a TomTom or similar.
You can also download a lot of free maps for overseas countries.
There is a mount from Magellan and RAM. I have the Magellan model which so far has shown to be quite sturdy even in heavily corrugated tracks. However they do not "charge" the GPS. The GPS is not designed to be "charged" from a 12V power source like the previous model was. The power cable from the cigarette lighter simply powers the GPS. Even if you have rechargeable batteries they are not recharged.
We are very pleased with ours and are waiting for the software update to make in to the absolute best GPS.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by E_ZIG_A » 10 April 11 12:57 pm

I'm really liking the sound of this unit and I'm interested in finding out your opinions on just how much detail you can see in the unit when paperless caching. For instance I currently cache with a combination of my old Garmin GPS and my iPhone; I have the GC app on the phone, which shows me the entire log of each cache, from the hint, to description, to previous logs, trackables in inventory etc etc. I really like that functionality as I can do everything from my phone (with a quick tidy up of logs when I get home) I've even discovered how to grab and drop trackables using it.

Does the eXplorist 610 show all of these details? For example can you see the entire description, inventory, previous logs, hint, photos, etc etc?

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by pprass » 10 April 11 4:18 pm

The eXplorist 610 shows all of the details that you mentioned. Here is a screen shot of the list of caches that are near home. You will see that "Look Bello" has a travel bug sign indicating that it has a TB in it. However it does not tell you what it is or what else has been in that cache.

By clicking on the "Look Bello" cache you then get this screen:
Image, which you are then able to further drill down to get all of the information that you would normally get on a cache page. It is just broken down into 4 sections.

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Re: First impressions of eXplorist 610

Post by E_ZIG_A » 22 April 11 11:42 am

Thanks for that feedback, it really does sound like a great unit! Just need to get my hands on one now!

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