Cache Alerts setting page not working [resolved]

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Cache Alerts setting page not working [resolved]

Post by Perma » 01 April 10 2:58 pm

I just discovered the “Cache Alerts” setting page and proceeded to try it. I wasn't doing it right and thought there was a problem. I was going to post a question in the forum, but then discovered what I was doing wrong :oops: . In case anyone else has the same brain fart as me I'll tell you what happened.

I checked off the published and retracted check boxes and set the radius to 500km leaving the alternate email field blank. Then clicked Submit only to have the page reset back to nothing being selected. I then scratched my head :-k wondering if the settings were accepted, assuming the check boxes would stay selected. I proceeded to try various combinations of check boxes (published and retracted) distances and alternate email addresses, still nothing. I was about to post a question when I realized there was check boxes beside the various cache types, duuuh ](*,) . I checked them off as well and everything worked fine. And yes the instructions are right there in the wiki which I read but must have skipped the first step in all my excitement \:D/ .

Thanks for the cool feature, keep up the great work! =D>
Now to wait for a new cache log and associated alert.

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Re: Cache Alerts setting page not working [resolved]

Post by caughtatwork » 01 April 10 9:04 pm

Thanks for the feedback.

Looking at that page, there is no point in checking the cache type as well as the log type.
Obviously if you check a log type, then you are interested in that cache type.
I think I must have been going mad :shock:

I've removed the necessity to check the cache type which will alleviate this confusion going forward and updated the wiki.

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