GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 28 June 23 10:12 am

I strongly recommend we only use open source / free tools for our work. The site isn't going to pay for a license and if we use a personal one and you leave, we're stranded. Regardless of any good intention, if someone has an event in their life, the last thing they will care about is handing over a license. That would also mean we would need to pay for it going forward which, despite good intentions and volunteering of monies, we're not going to do.

I want to have any and all assets in non-proprietary formats. e.g. If you use Photoshop and create a .ps file that we can't open in any other program, then that asset isn't of much use to us.

I'm cheap and cheerful at this end :-)

On WIndows I use:
- For vectors I use inkscape
- For rasters I use Paintshop Pro (which is a purchased product I have from decades ago) and save as PNG rather than JPG to avoid compression regression)
- For video I use Shotcut and output as mp4 (24fps) and the dimensions as per the format (800x800, 1080x1920, 1920x1080)
- For audio I use Audacity and output the final cut as MP3 around 170-210kbps (we're not creating CD quality audio here)
- I also use Animaker which is a free online tool to create some of the magic that you have seen in recent videos. This is watermarked for free accounts (which doesn't bother me) and when I come to creating the output, rather than have a 720p download, I zoom in, hit my screen recorder and record that way so I can get a better quality output.
- For screen recording I use Easyscreen (screenshot in PNG and video is MP4)

You don't have to match anything I have done in the past. All I ask is that files are shareable and are non-proprietary so we can continue to collaborate even if someone moves on.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by Now_To_Morrow » 28 June 23 8:37 pm

I agree that we should share our stuff in common file formats such as mp3, mp4, mov, jpg, png, and pdf because we could all be using different software but these formats work on all...I think.

I have up to date Adobe Creative Suite which includes stuff like photoshop, premiere pro (both of which i know my way around well), animate, after effects (which I've played with but need more practice in), and audition (my bro is a pro audio recorder and editor so I've never touched that one...yet).

As for myself, I can bring to the table video footage, photography and video editing. Not saying I want to be the one person that does those, but if anyone wants me to help in those areas I can. I've also got experience in checking continuity on set and in post production so can give feedback on others WIPs if they require it.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 30 June 23 4:53 pm

If y'all want to start collaborating, here's a script for a 1 minute expose on TrigPointing.

Music must be royalty free if we're going to include it and we must also credit anyone whose content we use (GCA cacher name should be sufficient). We will need to make sure we include the GCA brand (happy to help with logo of any size that we can also store for further use) and the name Geocaching Australia or geocaching.com.au

Wide screen is probably best suited to computer use, but portrait may be more accessible via phone means. Your choice. 1080x1920 or 1920x1080 with a reasonable compression would be good. i.e. Keep the file size under control. We're not going IMAX ... yet :-)

This will end up being loaded to YouTube unless y'all can suggest a better video sharing space that we can use. We can't afford to host our own video, as we don't have the download bandwidth if one takes off.

Get together, choose a place to store data, get it going, get it make, showcase it, publish it, we're good to go.

Summit Serenity: The Joys of Finding Trigpoints

Video Duration: 1 minute

[Opening Shot]

Breathtaking aerial view of a majestic mountain range, accompanied by serene music.
[Scene 1: Explorers Embark]

Close-up shot of hiking boots lacing up, preparing for an adventure.
Close-up shot of a GPS pointing in the direction of the hike and the distance.
Medium shot of a group of Geocachers setting off on a mountain trail, excitement on their faces.
Voiceover (V.O.): "In a world filled with distractions, there's something magical about the pursuit of discovery."

[Scene 2: Trekking Through Nature's Canvas]

Various shots of Geocachers trekking through lush green bush.
Slow-motion shot of a hiker brushing their hand against tree trunks, capturing the tactile experience.
V.O.: "As we navigate nature's canvas, every step draws us closer to an extraordinary reward."

[Scene 3: Scaling New Heights]

Sweeping shots of Geocachers ascending a mountain trail or granite outcropping, showcasing their determination and effort.
Close-up shot of hands gripping rocks, highlighting the physicality of the climb.
V.O.: "The ascent may be challenging, but the summit is a testament to our resilience and passion."

[Scene 4: Discovering Trigpoints]

Shot of Geocachers reaching a mountain summit with a trigpoint, in view.
Close-up shot of a hiker's face, beaming with joy and accomplishment.
V.O.: "And there it is, a trigpoint—a sentinel of the landscape, marking our triumph and connection to the world around us."

[Scene 5: Panoramic Vistas]

Breathtaking shots of the surrounding mountain peaks and sweeping vistas from the summit.
Geocachers gathering around the trigpoint, taking in the awe-inspiring views.
V.O.: "From the top, we witness nature's grandeur unfold—a tapestry of mountains, valleys, and endless possibilities."

[Scene 6: Shared Experiences]

Shots of Geocachers interacting, sharing laughter, and capturing memories together.
Close-up shot of Geocachers photographing the trigpoint, leaving nothing and taking only memories.
V.O.: "Finding trigpoints isn't just about the destination; it's about the journey, the friendships forged, stories shared, and the indescribable bond created on these mountaintops."

[Closing Scene]

Final shot of the sun setting behind the mountains, casting a warm golden light on the Geocachers.
Fade to black with the text overlay: "Summit Serenity: Discover the Joy of Finding Trigpoints."
V.O.: "Embark on your own journey, and let the mountains reveal the wonders that await."

End with a brief fade-out of the serene music.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by Now_To_Morrow » 30 June 23 7:18 pm

It's good to see ideas being shared already. It's happening!

As I read the above script I couldn't help thinking it wasn't much like some of my most recent trig hunting adventures. They were more like getting caught up in vines, scratched up by branches, picking up leeches and ticks, blood and pain, and all for a view blocked by thick regrowth. Haha.

I'm going to be honest and say I'm not sure I could get footage of that because I don't know any groups of pretty looking people willing to be filmed in this way. And if I was filming something like that would take more than twice as long as the walk itself, if not all day. Hopefully there's someone else in here that may be able to pull it off.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by wayn0 » 01 July 23 2:00 am

I'm unable to help with any of this but I can suggest some trigs. After reading the script, three trigs jumped into my thoughts that I think would work very well..

TP5187 Ben Nevis Sth (NE TAS)
Inside a National Park, beautiful forest that opens up to an alpine setting and a great trig and views.

TP4955 Bald Rock (N NSW)
A walk through a beautiful woodland over a granite landscape to a great trig and views.

TP13431 Tangalooma (SE QLD)
Trekking on a sand Island through off-track forest to a rare double disc setup.

A couple of other good trigs that entered my thoughts (edit script and embellish the journey)..

TP7269 T.S. Diggers Camp (N NSW)
Only a few minutes walk from the track but a story could start from a nearby campsite. A pre-dawn sunrise journey would work well here. A great trig and view.

TP2271 Mount Peregian (SE QLD)
Walking on volcanic rock through coastal heath. A great trig and view.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by Now_To_Morrow » 01 July 23 6:53 pm

Would gathering a bunch of footage from various trig hikes by various people but still generally following the script be acceptable? Instead of
caughtatwork wrote:
30 June 23 4:53 pm
Medium shot of a group of Geocachers setting off on a mountain trail, excitement on their faces.
it could be a compilation of a number of people going on their solo or duo or family adventures. I'm not sure if m/any of us go trig hunting with a group of friends to be honest.
caughtatwork wrote:
30 June 23 4:53 pm
Various shots of Geocachers trekking through lush green bush.
Slow-motion shot of a hiker brushing their hand against tree trunks, capturing the tactile experience.

ascending a mountain trail or granite outcropping,

Close-up shot of hands gripping rocks, highlighting the physicality of the climb.

Shot of Geocachers reaching a mountain summit with a trigpoint, in view.

[Scene 5: Panoramic Vistas]

Breathtaking shots of the surrounding mountain peaks and sweeping vistas from the summit.

Geocachers photographing the trigpoint,

It could be done using different forest types and different vistas and different styles of mountain top trigs. I think that could look good. It might also be easier to have more POV shots than filming others or our own expressions, especially as they can look over-acted or fake if not taken of the actual moment.

Having a compilation of shots like these would be easy to stitch together/edit to follow the script/journey still.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by wayn0 » 01 July 23 9:05 pm

What would you suggest for a file sharing platform?

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 03 July 23 9:43 am

My proposal for any social stuff, is that it is perceived as fun. If you merge footage from one group or solo with others, I think that would work. If you would like to shoot an epic, then do so. If you want to make it cheap and cheerful, then do so.

Consider whether the end product makes you want to play at GCA or not. If the answer is YAS!, then go for it. If the answer is, hmmm, maybe not, then probably not the appropriate message for the social content.

YOU can also use royalty free video from around the internet. e.g. https://www.pexels.com/search/videos/adventure/ which might help fill in some gaps. As long as that is no attribution required, you're cool.

I only picked Trigs because they are unique to GCA. I'll think up some scripts for family and kid friendly this week and see I can make something easier.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by wayn0 » 03 July 23 12:11 pm

I checked my video library. I rarely take footage but I found two times I have done so. The first is from the Ben Nevis trig in TAS. I received a message from a friend asking me what I was up to. I happened to standing next to this trig so took footage and sent it to them. I then got a prompt reply explaining that I am clearly insane haha. The nicer footage is from a location that rarely sees clear weather. I wanted to capture more than just still images so I decided to film some of summit and trig.

I use Dropbox which has a file transfer feature I've never used. I'll try it here. Apparently this is open for one week. Feel free to use this footage in any way you want. It may or may not be useful. If anyone wants to see this footage after the one week availability I can sort that out. It's whatever the standard format is for an iPhone 13 Pro. I assume any social media or video creator knows how to convert files to what is useful for themselves so will leave it as is.



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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 03 July 23 12:55 pm

Wow! Some of that footage is almost exactly what I had in mind. A few slowmo's cut from one or both of these make the summit (especially in the clouds / mist / fog) look amazing! Sounded windy :-)

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by Now_To_Morrow » 03 July 23 9:50 pm

Apple/mov files are perfect. The Benbaum views look amazing! You walked up that???
I'm surprised you didn't blow off the top of Ben Nevis. haha.

I could picture footage like this and from other trigs could be stitched together to take you on the journey from sun up to mountain top to sun down... hang on...

I just whipped together a very rough example of what I mean by stitching together various peoples' footage. It's very rough. I didn't line anything up, match shots or colour grade, just made a quick example.


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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 04 July 23 9:22 am

I like the idea. Maybe keep the bitumen and dirt together and a bit lower (I know it's a demo, but it is choppy). Other than that, yeah, some slower shots in there with some VO or people talking and things are taking shape.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 04 July 23 9:29 am

Geocaching Adventure: A family journey


A cheerful family, of parents and kids gather around a table filled with geocaching equipment - a GPS device, a map, and a backpack. They are excitedly discussing their upcoming adventure.

(looking at the GPS device)
Alright, everyone, are we ready for an incredible geocaching adventure?

Yes! I can't wait to find hidden treasures!


The family walks along a scenic forest trail, exploring nature as they search for geocaches. They point at different plants and animals along the way.

Geocaching is more than just a treasure hunt. It's a chance to connect with nature and each other.

(discovering a colorful bird)
Look, a rare bird! We wouldn't have seen this if we weren't geocaching.


The family arrives at the geocache location. They carefully examine the surroundings, searching for the hidden treasure.

According to the GPS, we're getting close. Keep your eyes open, everyone!


One of the children spots the hidden geocache container cleverly disguised among the rocks or under a bush or near a tree. They eagerly open it.

(holding up a small toy)
Look what I found! I'll trade it for something cool.


The family gathers around a box filled with geocaching trinkets, toys, and small treasures to swap.

(exchanging items with CHILD 1)
Remember, when you take something from the geocache, you must leave something of equal or greater value.


The family sits in a cozy picnic area, enjoying snacks and laughter.

Geocaching is not only about finding treasures. It's about making unforgettable memories as a family.


The family continues their geocaching journey, walking hand in hand, with joy and anticipation on their faces.

Geocaching brings us closer together, providing a sense of adventure and discovery. It's a journey we'll always cherish.


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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by caughtatwork » 04 July 23 9:54 am

Of course you don't have to use video. Stills with (I don't know what it's called), where you slowly zoom in to the still giving the impression of movement. They also work.

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Re: GCA Social Media - Calling for content creators - Geocaching Australia

Post by mattyrx » 04 July 23 2:10 pm

Some good ideas here. I’ve got a playlist of geocaching and trig hunting videos that can be ripped and used in whatever format people want. Some have music in them that the owner allows the content to be used on Youtube, but should be left out if reusing any of this content. The editing is pretty bad and I’m not the best videographer out there, often forgetting to capture what could have been the key moments of a hike or cache hunt.

I’ve taken some footage of a trig hunt with a 360 degree camera on the weekend. It allows for some ‘action cam’ style footage with fast edits and hyperlapses etc. and means you can frame your shot in editing afterwards, rather than when you're taking the footage. That's the sales pitch for these things anyway. I’ll play with this as soon as I can get a chance and see what it turns out like and share the results here.

Work is gonna take up a lot of my time this week, so mightn’t have too much to get much done until next week.

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